Text Cut: studentsies
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... there were suddenly many people around. More action than he'd ever thought he'd find in the laundry room. On a relaxing day in which he'd only wanted to wash his hoodie.
He could feel eyes on him, since the other newcomers seemed to know each other, so he felt like the odd one out. And being in the spotlight was the last thing he wanted. Focusing back on Beth, however, who was still tangled in the sheets, she seemed alright, so he stood up and held a hand out. "C'mon up, now. You okay?" he said, shaking his head in dismissal when she apologized for so-called theatrics. He just found the whole situation funny, if the look on his face was anything to go by.
At the same time, he noticed a house elf (Pips) popping in and offering help, but he offered the small creature a smile and shook his head. "I'll clean up the mess, I promise." But why did he have a feeling the hardworking elf would protest?
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Really? Really? First the house elf, then Quinn? Okay, something was going on here because for all of these people to be here... now... was strange. Just strange.
Still slightly amused at Beth's expression, he turned to the house elf, "Hey, I don't suppose you could... I dunno, help these two" *Gestures to Beth and the Gryffindor* "find their feet?". Aha, he'd never seen Beth this flustered. This was amusing. Laundry room mascot? "Possibly, but you have to tell a load of Laundry jokes. How about...". Pausing for a second, he laughed aloud "Took a risk washing my clothes when there was a chance of rain. I put it all on the line". Grinning now, a cheeky monkey smile on his face... he pulled out another old joke from his repertoire. "Oooooor", trying to keep a straight face while delivering it "What do you call a nun sitting on a washing machine? Sistermatic". He couldn't help it now. Leaning against one of the large tubs, tears running down his face, he started to snicker uncontrollably.
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Devina Wellheart
He was having a grand time trying to be the distraction that Beth had asked of him.. And apparently, he'd be the only one to try and come to her aid..Quinnie-Poo came in and turn right back around.. He didn't even get a chance to wave or say hi or anything!.. BOO! But, back to Beth... All covered in laundry she was.. Good grief.. " No change of address needed.. Here.. I'll help ya up.. " , Reese offered as he held out his hand for her.. A genuine smile on his face..
And then a house elf popped into being before them all and asked if they needed any help... Of course.. .. I'm fine.. Just out for a walk and found my way in here is all.. Thanks, Pip"
Just as things started to die down an older girl came into the laundry room with a sack of clothes and she looked like she had a huge chip on her shoulder too.. " We don't need a sitter thanks.. Betty Boop just fell into the pile.. Thanks.. ", the copper mop-topped badger baby quipped to the lady snake.
with a hard blink Pips looked up to the studentsies, noticing that there were many many studentsies needing emergency laundry.
Master Yoon caught Pips attention,
“Pips, here Master Yoon need help *hiccup*”
Pips large eyes turned toward the other studentsie. Pips blinked hard looking at the young boy, wondering if how he was supposed to help them.
Pips scurried closer to the boy,
“How does Mister Jones propose Pips helps the other studentsies?”
With a deep bow, Pips turned toward a young studentsie (Reese), looking similar to a Rylee studentsie, must be siblings.
“Thank you Sir. Pips always here to help when needed!”
Pips scurried off toward the back room to finish the laundry for the day hopping none of the studentsies would be offended by him taking on his duties of cleaning for the day.