RP Roulette, wooooooo!!!! Arts TRANSPONSTER! Truth be told, this Gryffindor girl wasn't the biggest fan of books, but she DID read every once in a while or when she had to.
Today was one of those days and she had her face buried in a copy of a book that covered what had become one of her favourite subjects of all time. Broomsticks. Who would've thought a book on the different types of wood and processes to make a flying broom could be so interesting? She would have to thank her brother Ollie for having bought her this book - because she didn't really buy books, y'know. Magazines, yes, but books... nah. "Ollie, you're a genius!" Anna said to herself, out loud as she lifted the book above her head and stretched out her legs in front of her for a bit of added emphasis.
Reading on the stairs was different too, but Anna found she wasn't interrupted as often as she would be were she in her Common Room. Who knew Gryffindors could be so intrusive curious about everything? |