Thread: Weasley Swamp
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Old 05-10-2018, 06:43 PM   #2 (permalink)

Blast-Ended Skrewt
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hadleigh Renee Paton (DarkGreen)

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bryony Rose Paton (#FF69B4)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Soren Toric Black (Royal Blue)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Vesper Baylee Thanatos (#61c7a9)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Default Roulette (Felicity)
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium

With a long week of lessons behind her, Rylee was more than ready to do some adventuring not that she hadn't tried to accomplish exploring every inch of this place last term. This place was huge though and she had been told that it she wasn't about to take chances. Even if that meant it had to be done single-handedly. The adventures began here and now.

She was more then prepared to get started having already eaten her breakfast in the Great Hall and dressed in her most comfortable dark blue jeans, white sneakers with the purple laces and her unicorn hoodie. In one hand was a sugar quill which she happened to be nipping on in between random twirls, spins and random dance moves down the currently empty fifth floor corridor, in the crook of her other arm was her beloved stuffed unicorn Fluffeh.

The smell let Rylee knew where she was long before she even saw the Swamp up ahead just where she was. It didn't stop her from continuing to dance and twirl her way down the corridor though. If anything it was strangely inviting. It smelled. It bubbled. It was gross but yet awesome at the same time. If this didn't say adventure than what did?

Ry walk closer to the roped off section of the corridor, which if you asked her wasn't really done all that well because anyone could step over a rope. Her nose crinkled up a bit when a particularly large bubble burst open sending up a fresh wave of putrid stink into the air around her. It wasn't enough to make her go running away though. "I wonder if anyone has ever tried crossing this... it can't really be all that hard to do... lookit Fluffeh there's even grassy patches and branches and stuff to step on.." She whispered to her stuffed companion.

Surely this was going to be today's adventure. A small grin tugged at her lips, her mind already made up. This was happening. With no one around to tell her it was a silly idea the Gryffindor glanced up and down the corridor finding it completely empty still. Perfect. If she stuck to the grassy sections where the branches and a few trees were she could easily make it to the other end of the swamp without an trouble. Rylee reached back to stuck Fluffeh into the hood of her hoodie for safe keeping before stepping carefully over the rope with her right foot onto a patch on slick gooey grass. Rather then get grossed up she laughed.

Every step the she made was a well balanced one. Up onto a branch. The base of a tree. Some more grass... something she wasn't entire sure of. Hop! Jump!

See. This was easy! She hadn't even lost her sugar quill! At least not until now.

Rylee giggled until she misjudged how slimy the grass over here, the sole of her sneaker covered in swampy goo and trying to pull her down. Huh? She reached out and grabbed hold of some strange looking tree as she tried to pull her sneaker free put it wasn't helping the green mess getting all over the bottom of her jeans. Stumbling now she continued to try to free her foot somehow knowing Fluffeh out of her hood and into the swamp. "FLUFFEH!" Rylee's blue eye's widened in surprise her own situation forgotten as she attempted to reach for the stuffed animal without any luck.

Did she remember that she had a wand? No, no she did not.
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