To everyone whether mentioned or not 1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me! Reese was wandering around with no direction.. The truth was he was trying to find one of those secret passageways he'd heard so much about and had yet to find.. Instead he ended up near the laundry room and heard a few voices and a VERY familiar song. So, he dusted himself off because he just KNEW Anabeth had to be inside.. She just HAD to be!
The first year badger boy started to beat box as sadly as could be to the beat of the song he had danced to in front of her the other day!.. So, naturally he was trying to be all funny and get her to laugh.. As for the other disembodied voices?.. He thought he might know the own of one, but the others?... Eh?... Not-so-much..
And in he danced to that same song.. Only this time he was showing everyone in that room what he was made of.. And he had been taking lessons for years.. And his specialty was hip hop and it wasn't likely he'd be matched by anyone his own age... Not even his older sister Rylee was as good a dancer as he was.. " Hey, Bethlebee!.. Come'ere and dance with me", he rhymed to the beat as he joined their impromptu dance party in the laundry..
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