both of you HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED The blonde paused the song for a moment to add a dryer sheet to her laundry when she heard the humming. oh holy flying carps! I’m not alone! She thought and then with a shrug just turned the music back on because who really cared…not her, even if she did on some level.
That is, she didn’t care until Ewan was there, with that…eye contact and the mischievous grin. ”Hey…hi, you’re…singing” she pointed out, ”not bad is it hot in here? Um…I need to fold shirts, yep,” she was squirming inside and out when she turned and spotted the hummer – oooooh maybe this’d be good for her? ”hey, hi…sorry about um – the…distraction if I distracted you” she smiled at the Gryffindor.
Wait…”is Gryffindor fun? I hope its fun,” her eyes were frantic now as she searched for something – anything to make this less awkward. ”I’m Beth, Beth—er Anabeth Greyvson everyone calls me Beth…except Chase he calls me Gumballgirl for reasons” she shrugged, ”you know Chase…from your house? About my height black hair…funny? I call him salty and I’m babbling sorry, I should go leave you two to the clothing” she began to retreat in haste when she simply tripped backwards into a tangle of sheets. This room was a trap and merlin help her this was awkward.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |