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music was again playing as the blonde slytherin practically danced around the laundry room. Who cared really that she didn’t have to do it or that the room was likely going to be a disaster the moment she left it. Sure, her dancing was more spastic than anything but she didn’t care. DING!
Now, with that sound chiming she turned and quickly moved some wet – sopping wet laundry to the dryer before adding a bundle of blankets and sheets to the washer. It was nice, the smell in here. Clean, and like fresh warm linen.
”I’ve been known for putting on a show” she sang out and twirled around and flailed her arms like she was trying to match the beat to the bassline of the song playing on the speakers. ”jaw-dropping center stage, I know -oh” she tried to do that cool glasses move by flipping them down in an Audrey Hepburn style but like always with that move it only worked with sunglasses. With eyeglasses, it only rendered you partially blind. Still, she kept up the wiggle-dancing and singing. ”but ever since cupid walk past he hit me once like a heart attack so fast and I just couldn’t let you go” the song was fun.
So fun, for a moment she just bopped around flailing even as she accidentally punched the wall and continued singing to them song. ”I got the tricks if you want to lock lips I got the moves if you want to come cruise” oh, why was she blushing? Maybe because she didn’t have the tricks but likely because she probably wasn’t alone and still, she sort-of didn’t care. Sort of.
”no I don’t want to be your best friend just let me be your new obsession” dance – dance flail…dance – dance again with the accidental wall punch. It likely sounded like a horror movie was being reinacted in the room.
Oh, this was sweet! There he was standing, a bag of washing slung over his shoulder, and in front of him was Annabeth! With sheets upon sheets hanging between them, he listened in silence, eyes watching attentively as she danced her heart out, her feet and arms flailing everywhere! For one brief moment, he considered making fun of her singing. Finally, deciding against it, he started to focus on the music more now.
Picking up the chorus lyrics and beat, he grabbed a mop and slid out from behind the white sheets dramatically. Dropping his bag of washing in the process, he raised the mop/microphone before finally booming out
Whoe, Whoe, whoe, whoe......”
Fist pumping the air, he grinned at her!
“I got the moves if you want to come cruise....” giving her a playful nudge, he flashed his mischievous grin and continued to move to the beat. He didn’t have the moves and what exactly were they going to cruise on...a school broom? Laughing now, he continued to dance, his eyes locked on hers, waiting for a reaction. Would she continue to dance? Or would she be too embarrassed.