Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo She'd exhausted the shelves of the library--the regular shelves anyway. In some way, she supposed she wasn't surprised...information like that wouldn't just be out in the open. Her next bet was checking a section....far less open and if that failed, outright asking her father to source the book and having it sent to her but that last option could take days or weeks and an in person search would take hours at most. Knock. Knock. Knock.
Jessa gave three taps at the door before taking a step back and waiting for a response. Having already been down in the library, she was fairly certain the man wasn't there so his office was her next guess. Merlin help her if he wasn't here either because she didn't thin she was prepared for much for walking in search of him.
Of this was for a friend...she'd keep waling as needed, but it'd have still been nice if it wasn't needed. Kalen was in the middle of reading over essays and drinking tea, perhaps not exactly the wisest way to grade papers, but hopefully no one would notice if there was a drip or two of liquid on their essays when they were returned.
He had just set his teacup down when he heard a knock on the door. “Please come in! ”
The man was always surprised when students came to his office. He knew he wasn’t the most popular teacher around, cause let’s face it, he wasn’t nearly as cool as Hirsch was, or as kind and as wacky as Paul was.
Not to mention he knew he had big shoes to fill. He had heard of the Legend that was Airey Flamsteed. He could in no way measure up to all of that. So instead, he tried to be himself. Quiet and tea drinking..
Ahh well.. |