Tinka ^_^ librarian | bookworm | gryffindor | HP forever
So far the only thing Lydia was not enjoying about Slytherin house was the fact its dormitories were located in the dungeon! How uninviting and the total opposite of cozy. Also, she kept getting lost. It felt like these dungeons went on forever. And the castle itself was massive. She'd almost been late to her first History of Magic lesson! Surely there was some way she could get to know the layout of the school better and not just for lessons. Lydia wasn't averse to a little adventuring. It'd be nice to explore the school and find places not many other students knew about. It'd be like her own special secret.
Lydia sighed, staring down the dank and dimly lit corridor. No one else appeared to be around at the moment. "I wish someone could just give me a tour or something," she said out loud, to no one in particular.
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