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Old 05-08-2018, 09:57 PM   #18 (permalink)

PhoenixRising's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: in my head [GMT-6]
Posts: 58,903

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

SPOILER!!: Replies! <3
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Junia slipped into the group quickly and quietly as the directions were given, setting her broom down beside her and flashing the others a smile. As she slowly rotated her arms, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, the seventh year took a moment to let the fact that this was the last year of tryouts she'd ever have sink in. It was another thing she'd add to her list. Another last time. It was bittersweet. It was.
There she was!! For a moment, Skylar had thought that maybe Junia decided against playing for the team in her last year and on some level, she might not have blamed the roommate. But she also probably didn't realize that Junia probably needed the distraction, for reasons she had no idea about. Nonetheless, Skylar was pleased to see her. "Junia! You made it! Chaser, again, right?" Just by way of confirmation; the girl was stellar in the position and did do Under 17, but who knew, maybe she wanted to try something else?

Originally Posted by Symphora View Post
Nathan turned his head to the captain and simply nod. "Yeah...surprise to see me, Captain?" Of course judging from the way she was staring at him up and down, he was convinced Skylar wasn't exactly expecting him out of all people to be here. It was true. Nathan hadn't been completely honest about himself when it comes to Quidditch, the one sport which he truly secret. After watching his girlfriend played keeper and her team won the Quidditch cup last term, his desire to feel included intensified.

Vivian probably went on a ranting explosion about his decision to try-out for the team seeker position. She went completely mental on him when he told her about it. But, it was a decision he had never been more sure about anything in his life. Nathan did feel a little bad afterward. If they could just give him a chance, he knew he could make a great addition to the team.

He put down his broom by his side and started following Skylar's exercise routine. Rotating his arms like a /good/ listener he was.
Skylar turned from the roommate back to the younger snake and shrugged. "Honestly? Yes. I thought you were kidding about trying out." Would it be wrong of her if she nonverbally cast a confundus charm on him once they started actually flying? She was quite sure she remembered reading that in some quidditch history she'd read ages ago, so surely it was only illegal if one got caught.

Or maybe she could get Apollo to do it from the stands. Might be less conspicuous that way. Her eyes made their way over to the boyfriend and she found herself making a subtle kissy face in his direction. Brief though, because hey, she was here to run a tryout. A last tryout.

Eyes back to Nathan. "Alyce okay?" Cause she hadn't seen her yet and she hoped she'd be alright to return as keeper and nothing detrimental happened.

Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Tardiness was not in Vivian's dictionary. She was just making sure she had everything settled to beat Nathan's bum for tryouts. But she was here, of course, and the Head Girl went over to join her fellow Slytherin with her hair tied in a neat braid. It wouldn't be as neat after tryouts, she was sure, given the amount of competition there was. Tardiness may not have been a word in her vocabulary, but determination was.

Despite her never-ending rants to Skylar since they got to Hogwarts and even during the summer, Vivian showed little physical sign of annoyance when she saw Nathan. She knew that boy was nothing short of trouble, but the blond was not going to focus on that. She was here to prove her position, to keep it. It was her last year, after all. "Good day, captain," she greeted Sky with a wink. "Hey, everyone." Nobody in particular since she was in the Quidditch-ing mood. She had been working with her auntie's team seeker during the summer. It had perks, you know?

Settling her broom down, Vivian followed Sky's lead and did arm circles. Not like she did her own stretching before coming here, but still.
"Good day, Head Girl," she greeted back, grinning at the blond. She hoped she wasn't too nervous about these tryouts because even though she had competition for the seeking position that she didn't initially want, Skylar OBVIOUSLY was rooting for her again. Loyalties and all.

Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Beth wanted to fly right now but sadly, she had to wait. Ugh, this was annoying. Still, she was relieved to see Lydia was there with her – setting her broom down she sidled closer to her year mate. ”what position are you going for?” she asked excitedly before returning her attention to Captain Skylar…gosh, Ravenclaw was just lucky with the captains’ name now weren’t they?

”you’ve got it Cap’” Beth even took a moment to salute her before joining Nathan and the others in the described exercise routine. Round and round in circles, she was rotating her arms and feeling it in such a good way.

Merlin, she loved sports…even if she never told people that.
She smiled at the 'Cap', deciding she rather liked that nickname, observing Beth and Lydia in their warmup and stretches. Saluting though? Unnecessary; she might have been a tad egotistical (what snake wasn't), but she also wasn't Flynn Kowalski. But she did give a nod of approval, regardless, at the stretches, side-stepping over towards the others on the pitch.

Originally Posted by Dokimoto View Post
As others began to arrive, Kye greeted each in turn. Nathan was indeed a surprise. She tilted her head at the sight of him, but as she didn't know he was going for Seeker, she returned the "Hello." Smiles for everyone else, a wave at Vivi, and she got up to do the Captain's stretches. She gave a small laugh when she remembered doing these at the try out last year and how much her back and shoulder had cracked. She had learned to get the proper stretches in since then of course!
Another nod of approval at Kye, particularly when she didn't hear and cracking this time. "Good, good, i see you've been stretching over the summer," she winked at the roomie.

Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
Lydia couldn't quite believe she was doing this. She'd never been all that interested in Muggle sports. However, the idea of flying around on a broom was actually quite enticing, if she managed not to fall off and crack her silly skull open. Before coming to Hogwarts, she'd obviously never heard of Quidditch at all, but she'd done a bit of research into the sport in the library and asked around as well. Of all the positions, she thought she was best suited for Seeker. Her build was slight, and she was quick and agile rather than strong.

Lydia caught a glimpse of Beth on the field as well and felt relieved. At least she wasn't the only 1st year here. Retrieving a spare broom from the shed, Lydia walked out onto the field and took a deep breath. This may be the craziest thing she'd done yet at Hogwarts, but she was determined to try as many new things as possible while she was here. No one would ever accuse her of being a wilting wallflower!
Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
"Hi Beth," said Lydia, still twirling her arms. "I'm gonna try for Seeker. It's the only position I think I might be good at. I'm not super strong or athletic, you know?"

Lydia took some deep breaths, practicing her breathing. It was also a good way to calm her nerves. She really hoped she wasn't about to make a huge fool of herself in front of everyone!

"What position are you trying out for? Did you do any sports back home?"
And another trying for seeker, but so far she didn't hear any takers for keeper? People always seemed to want chaser or beater though. But also kind of ironic because a year ago she had to twist Vivian's arm to get her to consider seeker, which she ended up being quite the star with, yet now, she had three potential seekers and no keepers??

"You made it, Lydia!" She beamed, overhearing her say about the strong or athletic thing. "You'd be surprised though how different quidditch is from other sports in terms of its athletic requirements." Okay, so it required some, obviously, but it was ... "You adapt more easily, I think." But hey, she had the familial advantage to her aid. Also she was excited to see TWO first years trying out!!! Slytherin quidditch legacy to continue!

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Did being late penalize his chances?

Not even going to try and hide the fact that yea he was a tad late since they were in the wide open and there was no point in sneaking, Ryder made his way over to the group of Slytherins on the pitch and set down his broom, standing to the side of most of them. Normally he didn't stretch beforehand, but maybe stretching those arm muscles would do him some good. Try to show off. Look bigger than he was. He was pumped!

Oh and another new person trying out!!! She recognized this one too, because he was one of Patrick's roommates ... Ryder, yes?

"Hey! Ryder, right? Welcome, welcome!" also, speaking of third year snakes, was Patrick not gonna tryout again?

Originally Posted by MuggleDinosaur View Post
She didn't know if this would be a great idea to join the team but here she was walking up to the Slytherin tryouts. She was really discouraged that she didn't make the team last term but failing the tryouts last year made her realize that she really want to work at being a better Quidditch play for this terms tryouts.

If she was more of a social butterfly she would have greeted everyone but maybe she would do that next year, this year she would focus on her classes, Quidditch and her socialization skills. Anastasie hates failing and hopefully this time around she wouldn't even dare to fail. Hopefully. The ginger took a deep breath in and slowly breathed out. She would do this! She knew she had it in her to do this. She worked her butt off all summer just to build her strength and flexibly but also to build her knowledge of the position she wanted to play, Keeper. Ana gave Skylar a wave as she set her broom down and began doing arm circles.
And speaking of Kowalskis ....... there was her favorite female Kowalski. Okay, so probably the only female Kowalski she knew, but she was excited nonetheless to see Anastasie braving tryouts. She knew the girl struggled with making friends and glad her persuasion seemed to work. Surely quidditch would help in the making friends process; besides Ana had to know she was super pretty and one of the sweetest, so adding quidditch to her list of skills would help. At least Skylar hoped so. She waved back, "Ana, glad you made it!"

Okay, arm circles complete ... or at least it felt like it was longer, to which Skylar ceased doing her own arm circles. "Perfect. So no matter what position you're playing with quidditch, your arms are probably some of the most crucial limbs because you either have to catch the quaffle, throw the quaffle, block the quaffle, swing a bat, or catch a snitch. So making sure your arms and wrists are not stiff from that twenty inch parchment to Professor Noble is definitely important."

"But enough loosening up and enough of me rambling, as you're all here to fly!" Or at least ... she assumed that was why they were here, right? Picking up her broom, she mounted it and flicked her wand casually at the sky to reveal what she'd been prepping. An obstacle course, which would test their strength and agility, but also hopefully give them a challenge.

"So there is an obstacle course to complete in the center of the pitch, as you can tell, but before we do that, let's get warmed up a little with a couple laps around the pitch. I'd recommend a slow and steady start, but go as fast as you feel comfortable. We do have some time." They had the pitch booked for a whole hour, actually. Also, did her first years need help? "Whenever you're ready, mount your brooms and go!"

ooc: Okay, so just a reminder, to make the team, you do have to submit this survey and post in the tryouts thread (at least once). There is no minimum posting requirement, so post when you're able ... pretend like you've been here, catchup posts are allowed, but most importantly have fun =)

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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