Watching Derf carefully as he sat down on the blanket, he frowned. What was it with this kid? He could clearly tell that they didn’t want to be found here but he still insisted on forcing his company on them. Taking a step back, he watched both Emmalyn and Derf carefully. Something wasn’t right here. It was only after Emmalyn blush from Derf’s stupid, unnecessary hair ruffling that he realised that she... had a crush on him. Looking down now, he blushed. This was awkward. He couldn’t imagine how Emmalyn felt. Ignoring Derf’s comment about charms, or spell work, or something, he took a step back and leant against one of the walls.
Catching Emmalyn’s expression, he caught on to her plan. Going blank, he asked the first thing that came into his head “So... Derffff...What year are you in? I mean, what type of things do they teach you? You know, I just want to be prepared if I have to learn how to do that hair flick thing you just did” *Ruffles hair, slightly over exaggerated*
Ewan was well aware this may come across as rude, but he needed to get his attention; Or at least take it away from his blushing friend.