Lydia had just said goodbye to Ophelia when several things seemed to happen all at once. She heard a boy's voice calling to her. As Ophelia took flight, Lydia looked up and saw the cutest, purplest toad she had ever seen hopping right towards her! That was also when she saw Beth walking through the courtyard with a textbook in her arms. Beth leaped for the toad, but she missed. Ouch, that had to hurt!
Before Lydia could ask Beth if she was ok, the toad was attempting to make another escape attempt. Lydia crouched down low to intercept the toad.
Here cute little toadie," she cooed. The toad gave a last magnificent jump but Lydia was ready for him. "
Aha! Got you!" Wow, this toad was heavier than he looked. And look at his wee little robes. So cute!
Cradling the squirming toad in her arms, Lydia raced over to Beth. "
Oh no, are you all right, Beth? Did you scrape your knee?"
Turning to the older boy who had watched all of this happen over a matter of a few seconds, Lydia held up his purple toad triumphantly. "
Got him!" she cried. "
But now I have him I kinda want to keep him. He is so CUTE!"