Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite She'd already done the hardest part of this entire tryout session; showing up. After the last term, she hadn't been sure she even wanted to try out again but as it turned out, it was in her best interest to have some form of physical outlet. Running was already on the agenda and quidditch happened to be high on physical demand too. In the end, she stood to gain more from trying out than she did from sitting in the stands during games, cheering for her friends.
Jessa walked alongside her broom, having tinkered with it just a bit to have it fly along next to her. Of course, she'd remove it before tryouts to ensure nothing was deemed foul play or anything but the Ravenclaw seldom gave up a chance to mess with anything she could get her hands on. "Hey Kirk. Decent day for flying, yeah?" By decent, she meant at least it wasn't raining. Nothing like the crisp cold rain air and the drops of water impairing your vision to make you decide the outside really wasn't for you.
The others, she assumed would be along any minute so for now she set about returning her broom to normal. With a steady wave, the broom fell from the air, with a slight bounce here and there before coming to a complete stop.
There. Just like everyone else's again.
__________________ Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________ 
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said. |