Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
Once seated, Vivian took a moment to scan the table for anything that was suspicious. And naturally, anything suspicious came from her co-prefect, so she first looked towards his general direction. A small smirk crept on her face when a first year sat by him. Not only was the sight of it amusing, but it also was quite alarming. She'd better watch out in case Coleslaw does send the girl crying on her first night at school.
As for the Bloody Baron, Vivian grinned at him. "Thank you, sir Baron," she said. And she'll try to keep her head up with pride the entire term. She will. She'd hate to let the entire house and staff down.
Miss Head Girl had a nice ring to it, the blond thought. She smiled at the first years, who now finally had names she could address them with. "It's nice to meet you too, Beth... and you as well, Lydia," Vivian replied. "My name's Vivian." You know, just in case. Oh, and that public announcement of being a proud Slytherin? That was cute. It was nice watching them while they were still young firsties. Wait until they reach their teenage years, though.
... And why was Nathan looking at her all suspiciously? There was nothing suspicious in this area. But no, she definitely did not forget their conversation during the summer. All Vivian did was wink in response to his stare, before her attention was caught by the familiar voice of Kye. Still, the Head Girl thing was still in the process of sinking in, so the blond sort of just blushed a teeny tiny bit. "Kyeeee!" She wanted hugs. Hello, dormie, we missed you!
Next thing she knew it, the Headmistress was already up the podium to deliver her speech. And FOOD happened. Thank Merlin, she was already starting to feel her stomach grumble.
__________________ It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ![]( ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling... |