Thread: Ravenclaw Table
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Old 05-02-2018, 10:29 PM   #12 (permalink)
Lissy Longbottom
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Ferrix: GMT-6
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Moritz Schultz (#0f667e)
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nancy Schultz (#ac6f77)
Fourth Year
x11 x1
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

SPOILER!!: Quinn!
Originally Posted by Callie View Post

Ravenclaw worked.

She was perfectly fine with being a Ravenclaw, it was just...Beth was Slytherin. Would have been cool to be in the same house.

Quinn walked the length of the table, briefly glancing at her new housemates now and again. She wasn't really looking for anyone in particular, or even for a familar face; just curious. As she watch friends great each other, and new friendships being forged, it struck her just how truly quite odd this whole set-up was. In just under a minute she had become a part of a group whether she wanted to or not. These people were meant to be something to her, and her to them.

It was almost surreal to Quinn. She was used to being on her own, for days or weeks, ocassionally even months at a time, heading next door to Beth's only when she felt like being social. This extravagant group dynamic on display in front of her, that was foreign.

Right then. Quinn continued to walk down the line of people, not saying much, or really anything at all. At last she reached vacant little stretch of table and sat down. The plates were empty, which was quite disappointing since all she had today was a small breakfast and the lunch Beth's mum packed for her, which she had eaten shortly after they pulled out of London. That was that morning and so she feeling quite peckish.

Quinn sighed and pulled out her book. If there wasn't going to be food, then she might as well distract herself reading.

Nettie looked over as a girl - a fellow first year girl, to be exact, because Trinetta had just watched her get sorted shortly after she herself had sat down - came and sat down and...immediately pulled out a book. She frowned a bit and wrinkled her blonde eyebrows at the girl. She knew Ravenclaws were supposed to be all SMART and everything but that was a bit much, wasn't it? Still, she smiled and scooted a bit closer to the girl.

"Hey there! I'm Nettie! I'm a first year too," she introduced herself to the girl.

SPOILER!!: Kirk! (also we apologize in advance)
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Another year.. another final year at Hogwarts for Captain Kirk. That was something he was still getting use to. Where was he exactly? Well, to those familiar with him, he was as usual leaning his back against the table to help him observe the skies in the enchanted ceiling. He could almost make out Cassiopeia. Almost, since it was starting to get cloudy. He gave the skies a bit more attention until it became time for the sorting ceremony. That left him more potential recruits.

Kirk first noted one seat mate, "Hey Juni.. you got alot of practice this summer?" Yep, Quidditch tryouts were closing in and given her work last year, she definitely wouldn't have issues re-locking her position. "Starting Fifth year, right?" It was more for a confirmation, since he definitely remembered how fifth year was.

"Hello Nettie, welcome to Hogwarts and you definitely joined the right house." No bias here, no siree. "I'm Kirk, Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. You can call me Captain, Captain Kirk, or just Kirk." Either or worked with him. "Did you enjoy the boat ride over to the castle?" It was a nice tradition, in his thoughts.


An older boy was talking to her. A GORGEOUS older boy. HEART EYES. Trinetta stared for just a moment before she registered the words that he was actually saying - he was talking about Quidditch. OH! He was the Quidditch captain! How perfect! If she got on the team, she could stare at this pretty face alllllllll day. Wow. His hair was perfect. HOW did all these Hogwarts boys have such perfect HAIR? First the Hufflepuff boy, now him?

"Nice to meet you Kirk! That's great that you're the Quidditch captain - I'm planning on trying out,"
she told the older boy with a grin. "I played back in a youth league in France!" so, hopefully, she would have a leg up on all the other kids who wouldn't have as much experience.

She MAY have been batting her eyelashes at the handsome boy as she spoke. Just a bit. She didn't want to be too obvious so she didn't go overboard.

"Oh, the boats. Yeah, it was ok," she admitted with a shrug, pausing to take a sip of her pumpkin juice. "I almost fell in the lake," she told him nonchalantly. Stupid ballet flats having ZERO traction on a wet dock. Thankfully, she HADN'T fallen in and all had ended up ok.

SPOILER!!: Jessa!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
She wasn't excited to be back at school. On the other hand....she wasn't necessarily...not excited either. It was one of those middle grounds that you made the decision not to question for the sake of just going along with everything. That's what she was doing, going along with everything. The less she stressed and obsessed, the better things would presumably be. The philosophy hadn't failed her so far.

Having ensured the last of her Ravenclaws--the ones she could find and who wanted to be found anyway--had made their way to the Great Hall, she too took a seat somewhere near both recognizable and new faces.

"Already on the quidditch talk, I see." She said, offering Kirk an amused sort of half smile as she settled in her seat. It was a little odd thinking that this was the last term they would have the stargazer at their table commenting about the celestial bodies that peppered the ceiling of the Great Hall...y'know, when the clouds were behaving at least. "Never too early to get it in, I guess. Trying out for Beater again, yeah Juni?" She asked, looking to the younger girl sat just there. "I haven't decided if I'll try out again but I heard it's good having activities." And she would need some now that she'd completed the Seventh Year syllabus and was technically done learning here at Hogwarts. Lot of free time she didn't intend to use on revisiting old material.

And there came the First Years. The Ravenclaw smiled at each as they approached, already noting the obvious disparity between a pair.

"It's a brilliant house." She added, piggy backing off Kirk's greeting to Nettie. "I think you'll really appreciate the opportunities for growth and development, regardless of the interest. It's...interesting, to say the least. Always something to do or try." Claws could get up to a lot in the Common Room when they had a mind for it. "I'm Jessa, your Prefect." That had taken some getting used to last term. "If there's anything you need help with, come find me--or Erik....but probably me." Merlin knew her co-Prefect could be less than helpful at times.

"That goes for all of you." She continued, casting the net to all the new First Years to join the table before setting her gaze on the reader (Quinn). "Interesting read or something to pass the time?" Not necessarily meant to interrupt but more in an attempt at integration. That...was probably apart of her job. You'd think she'd know after a year.

And now another older student was here, distracting her from the pretty Quidditch captain for just a moment. She was a prefect? Blink blink. That meant nothing to Nettie. "What's a prefect?" she asked. She wasn't sure if they had those in Beauxbatons - if they did, she had no clue what the French word for it was, so she didn't know what it was exactly. It sort of sounded familiar...

Whatever it was, she figured it was another important person. In fact, this girl had a badge on her robes, so she had to be someone special. Noted.

SPOILER!!: Chloe!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
As she made her way over to the table she kept glancing at the Slytherin table and at the Gryffindor table. Why were the people she loved so far away? She wanted her Xar and her Gunnar, this wasn't fair and that hat was wrong, though she loved being like her daddy too.

Looking for an open place she took a seat and just watched everything going on. She saw a few people that she noticed from the boats and knew they would be first years as well and she needed to introduce herself to them.

"Hello, I'm Chloe" giving a small wave she just kept watching everything and glancing to the Slytherin table to keep her eye on Gunnar.

ANNND yet another new first year! Nettie couldn't help but grin as more and more of her fellow first years got sorted in to her house. That surely meant Ravenclaw was going to be AMAZING. She hadn't cared much about houses a few moments ago - but now she was looking forward to house competition stuff.

"Hi Chloe! I'm Trinetta, but I go by Nettie," she introduced herself to the newcomer. She seemed shy. What a shame. Nettie couldn't relate in the slightest.

SPOILER!!: Septimus!
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
It might not have been as overly nerve-wracking and overwhelming mixed with fun like last year, but it was just as exciting and crazy this time around. At least as a second year he hadn’t had to ride across the water in the boats in the lantern-lit dark and worry about capsizing and spending his first steps in the castle all soaked and squishy until a staff member was kind enough to dry him off. No, just carriages that moved on their own like the boats that bought him and random other students across the grounds and up until the gates of the school to be dropped off.

Septimus searched for any face that looked familiar but with no luck, even as he entered the Great Hall. There were Ravenclaws at the table as it was filling up but no one he recognized really. Not that he had been too social last term. Just getting through all the new stuff had been plenty for the second year to handle. Oh look…the captain and the prefect. THEY Septimus recognized given student leaders tended to be announced and made sure to be front in center in the lives of the House.

“Hey…” he greeted to anyone who was around as he took a seat at the table. His gaze flickering around for new and returning people and things in curiosity.

This boy seemed to be around her age, but she hadn't seen him get sorted - so he must have actually been older. He too seemed kind of quiet. So, naturally, Nettie needed to break the silence. She smiled at him and introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Nettie, I'm a first year!" she piped up. At this rate, it might be faster if she just stood on the table and announced it to the world.

SPOILER!!: Ewan!
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
Looking up now for the first time since he was sorted, he heard a voice. It was the girl from Flourish and Blotts. The one who'd helped him find his books that day in Diagon Alley. That had seemed like a lifetime ago. "Hey Chloe! I'm Ewan", he replied, unsure if she remembered him or not. In all honesty, he remembered her brother more. He seemed... somewhat apprehensive? Defensive? Or was it protective? Quickly, he glanced around, not wanting to annoy her older brother anymore than he already had.

AND queue another first year! Nettie smiled at the newcomer, waving at him from her spot across the table. "Hi there! I'm Nettie!" she called out to him.

SPOILER!!: Dorian!
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
As a third year now, Dorian was less excited about the sorting ceremony than in his first and second year. In his first he had obviously been sorted himself which had been scary yet exciting enough and in his second year he had seen the ceremony from a different perspective. But in his third?


He looked at his empty plate and sighed. Couldn't the Hat hurry up and decide on the houses quicker? He was hungry. But even as he thought that, he knew that the food wouldn't appear until after the Headmistress speech.

His blue eyes went to the staff table and remembering the incident of last term in which him and a few fellow students had been possessed by some dark magic, the Ravenclaw wondered how the muggle studies professor was. Though seeing her at the staff table meant that she had courage and strength enough to come back.

Making a mental note to visit the Professor later in the week, Dorian watched as four first years so far had joined their House. He clapped his hands whenever the Hat sat Ravenclaw because he felt like it would be rude not to and then went back to staring at his empty plate....before he banged his head on the wooden table

"Hurry uuuuuup" he whined.

Suddenly a loud BANG distracted Nettie, and she turned to see an older boy hitting his head against the table and moaning about something. At first she was a bit concerned...but then she realized he was probably waiting for the food. She giggled a bit as she watched him be overly dramatic.

"Are you hungry or something?" she teased the older boy. She herself was also DYINGGGG of hunger, but she was having a great time talking to her new housemates. Hopefully the food would be served soon, as the boy had no reminded her just how hungry she actually was....
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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