Thread: Ilvermorny: Former Student Bios
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Old 05-01-2018, 08:24 PM   #31 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default Editting as I go <3
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori


post colour: dark pink #f6b2c9 | face claim: hermes hilinski | twitter handle: @joyfulpandabear

__ ꧁꧂ __

cheat sheet;
Name: Pandora “Panda” Joy Snider
Date of Birth: 1st October 2085
Hometown: NYC, New York, USA
Blood Status: Mixed
School year: Third
School house: Horned Serpent
Relationship Status: Single
Defining Characteristics: Hyperactive, follows Quidditch worldwide, Casey Snider’s biggest fan, loves Surfing and Tennis and will never say no to sugary treats

bit more;
Birthplace: New York, USA
Nationality: American
Wand: ___ “, hornbeam wood, ___ core, inflexible
Boggart: A shark chasing her
Amortentia: Broom oil, chocolate and spearmint
Patronus: unknown
Average grade: Accomplished ss headcanons on Ilvermorny

family is important;
Mummy: Lorelai Snider neé Eris, born Ritchie
Daddy: Jared Snider
Mama: Casey’s Mama Carmen Rosales
Maternal grandparents: Derek and Carwyn Eris
Paternal grandmother: Edith Snider
Older brother: Casey Snider
Younger brother: Damien Snider
Younger Sister: Autumn Snider

Eris Aunt: Nyoka Treviso-Johnson neé Eris, born Kenshin
Uncle: Samuel Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Angelica Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Henry Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Carlo Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Bromley Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Blake Treviso-Johnson
__Cousin: Arwen Treviso-Johnson
Eris Aunt: Angelina Venier neé Eris, born Winstern
Uncle: Lazzaro Venier
__Cousin: Carina Vivaldi neé Eris
____Husband: Maximilian Vivaldi
______Daughter: Aurora Vivaldi
__Cousin: Alonzo Venier
__Cousin: Sabina Venier
Hanover Uncle: Eliot Hanover Foster Kid of the Eris’ but not adopted
Hanover Aunt: Gemini Hanover neé Ward
__Cousin: Aderyn Morgan neé Hanover, born Floyd
____Husband: Phillip Morgan
______Daughter: Aria Morgan
__Cousin: Lily Hanover born Laurel Allen
______Daughter: Elliot Hanover
__Cousin: Marsha Hanover
__Cousin: Alis Hanover
__Cousin: Rhys Hanover
Eris Uncle: Harrison Eris born Canmore
Aunt: Parker Eris neé Ward
__Cousin: Derren Eris
__Cousin: Carolina Eris
Eris Aunt: Loretta Jourdann neé Reeves, born Allan
Uncle: Jedidiah Jourdann
__Cousin: Eve Jourdann
__Cousin: Aaron Jourdann
__Cousin: Ezra Jourdann
__Cousin: Noa Jourdann
__Cousin: Seth Jourdann
__Cousin: Levi Jourdann
Eris Aunt: Morgan Eris born Daniels
Aunt: Clara Eris neé Bancroft
__Cousin: Delilah Eris
Eris Uncle: Connell Eris born Ramasamy
Aunt: Noemi Barsi
Eris Uncle: Sloane Eris born Fry
Eris Aunt: Sasha Entienne neé Eris
Uncle: Jacques Entienne
__Cousin: Olwyn Entienne
__Cousin: Idris Entienne

appearances too;
Height: 5’3” / 1.6m
Build: Lanky
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dirty blonde, though it has gotten a bit darker recently
Skin tone: Pale, paler than she likely should be for living in America. She blames her British Mummy, who is a redhead.
Style: Jeans or cute skirts paired with quidditch jersey’s and trainers.
Piercings and tattoos: Just her earlobes at the moment, but she would like more… If only her Daddy would let her.

personality traits, some quirks and miscellaneous;
Particular skills: Following worldwide Quidditch while at school, surfing
Likes: Arithmancy, playing Tennis, swimming, surfing, writing, watching Quidditch
Dislikes: Transfiguration, flying, anything really artistic (Damien was better at it), liars, being in another country from Casey
Strengths: numbers, absorbing information, reading, remember information that isn’t helpful for her classes, honest, loves her friends and family, loyal, knows what she wants with her life
Weaknesses: focusing on her homework she gets there in the end, feisty and very enthusiastic, will get into fights for her friends, very determined and one-track for quidditch
Languages spoken: English, a mix of BSL and ASL, some Welsh through Grantad, some Spanish through Casey and Mama Carmen.
some history;
Born to New Yorker Jared Snider, and his second wife Lorelai, Pandora is the eldest of three children. Though, if you ask her, she’ll tell you that Casey is the oldest of four… but she’s biased towards her older half-brother and always has been. Growing up, Casey spent his time between his Mama and staying with Panda and her parents. From her first memories, she has always loved more than getting to play with Casey; who was always infinitely better than Damien was. Mind, he was a newborn and couldn’t help to entertain the four year bundle of energy.

Lorelai is the first person to tell anyone that will listen, how the first Snider she met stole her heart. No, not her husband. Her step-son; three and a half year old Casey Snider. He had run away from his dad to chase the squirrels while they were on holiday in London. Lorelai had been between him and the squirrels, a quiet influence surrounded by the creatures. A brief, slightly awkward hand signed conversation led to a further letter-based correspondence before Jared hopped the pond on a regular basis so that he could see the first-year University student.

When it became obvious that Jared meant more to her than continuing to study in London, Lorelai had looked into transferring to WU New York and after a successful interview (where she met Carmen for the first time) she had finished up her first year and then moved to New York. Although they started living together within a year of meeting, the pair took their time. They had Casey to think about, after all. They both graduated, and Jared proposed on Lorelai’s birthday in 2080, just before Christmas. Naturally, she replied with an ecstatic yes. Planning to only get married once, Lorelai took her time to make sure that everything was just perfect and they tied the knot in April of 2083 surrounded by their family and closest friends in the city she had come to think of as home.

Much to Lorelai’s disappointment, conceiving seemed to take forever. Especially when month after month, nothing happened. She was told that it was simply a side-effect of the potion, that it would wear off and that her body would readjust. That it would just take time. Well, time it took, because just before their second wedding anniversary they found out that they were expecting their first child and that Casey was going to be a big brother!

While her pregnancy wasn’t the easiest with morning sickness and iron issues; giving birth took longer than expected (the longest labour of all three children). However from the moment she held her baby girl in her arms, she was entranced; hypnotised like those who wanted to open Pandora’s box and discover every secret hidden inside. Their baby girl was quickly independant; learning to roll, bum shuffle and crawl before Lorelai was even halfway ready. By the time she was on her feet, Panda ran more than she walked and never went anywhere slowly. Whenever Casey was visiting, he had a shadow and she always cried and made a fuss when he went back to his Mama’s house. It got slightly better as she got older and he went to Ilvermorny as she understood he was at school and learning; something she was starting to do and love.

When Damien came along, the four year old wasn’t too sure what to think - especially when he was collicky and ended up screaming with every meal. She spent a lot of time in her room, drawing pictures to send to Casey while Damien was girning and she liked to read to Damien when he wasn’t though a lot of it was made up, even though she turned the pages of her books. As Damien got older, Panda liked him a little bit more, especially when he was able to come and play. That was until he wanted one of her favourite toys and Mummy said she had to share. Thankfully, it didn’t take her too long to get used to sharing - though she didn’t really understand why she had to be careful with little objects like her dolly shoes until Damien almost choked on one when he was two. After that, she was super careful; probably more than was called for, but she didn’t want to hurt Damien even if she did prefer Casey.

It was easier to adjust to Autumn being in the house with them, because by that point she was six and a big girl. She was multilingual and could swim in the sea and she was being coached to play Tennis. She had big-girl things to do like homework and her toys were too big for her baby sister; and even for Damien by that point. Although Autumn had been born three weeks early, she didn’t have as many health issues as Damien did and loved her food, which was yet another reason that Panda liked her sister instantly. Pandora helped to change her bum and pointed out that she was her baby sister every chance she got; the difference three years made in her understanding of younger siblings was immense.

As she worked through school, she put her all into her studies and continued to try to learn more languages, especially from Mama Carmen and Casey whenever she saw them. Although Spanish wasn’t easy for her to pick up, she tried and got to the point where (for a while) she wouldn’t answer Casey unless he was talking to her in Spanish. It was hard work, but it did wonders for pushing her mentally even if she still isn’t that great or fluent at it. She got words of Welsh in every letter from her Granda and he’s check her understanding and pronunciation over floo calls. She definitely couldn’t hold a conversation, but she will forever love that she knows a few words of the very complicated looking language.

Upon arriving at Ilvermorny herself, having left her siblings and parents that morning, she got sorted into Horned Serpent and was finally able to get her wand. Hornbeam. Someone whispered to her that those wands were given to people with a purpose and to this day she believes she was meant to do something amazing. Something to bring Joy to people and to make people smile.

Even at eleven, Panda had illusions of grandeur and of doing something amazing; probably propelled by the fact that Casey had been an U17 Quidditch star; allowing the young fan to see live match after live match both in America and globally as he played for the national team. As he followed that up with 4 years in France with the Quibern Quafflepunchers, Panda got tickets to see the World Cup with her brother; living their youngest siblings at home. She has a “Snider” jumper from the Kestrels too, but he never actually played for the team due to an injury. As she started school he was the newest named Captain of the Falcons and she made sure to have her Snider jumper before she went to school.

No way people weren’t going to know she was a Quidditch fan especially when Quodpot was so boring. Her collection of Quidditch jumpers is well known, since they are her go-to thing to wear. Casey has been amazing in making sure that her collection of Snider jumpers never failed to be topped up, and the current Falcon one is her absolute favourite. Although the work-out gear that Daisy Carden-Dupree just sent her for her fourteen birthday was so cute and definitely got worn when she was running! And the signed poster from Théo Montmorency was 100% up in her dorm. SHE was known by Quidditch stars!

Bio template by Daemon


Last edited by Charely Potter; 01-07-2023 at 02:26 AM.
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