Quinn, Beth, Reese and Rylee Vine|| Erin Heyman <3 || Tagalog Forum || RonMione forever || ENGR <333
Olivia was liking the chatter, all their stories, it's keeping her busy. Especially Beth's, about her and Quinn having dragon pox was utterly devastating but quite hilarious having it with Quinn and her sister. She took note of her sighs too. It was not easy. Thankfully, the illness had not hit Oli yet. But her mother always tell her stories about her own experience.
When Beth mentioned about being in Slytherin and Quinn too, Oli smiled. "We can all be friends in Slytherin. But if I was sorted in Ravenclaw just like my Mum, I'd be sure to be munching food with you at your house table." That of course if they wouldn't mind. Reese, Oli presumed, would also be sorted in Gryffindor just like her sister.
Oh. Sugar quill. Oli was planning on leaving for a wee bit to buy stuffs from the trolley lady but Rylee was kind enough to offer some of her sweets. Oli extended her arm to get one. "Thank you. I'd be sure to treat you at school." She smiled widely. Then about Quidditch, "If I was sorted into a house other than Gryffindor, I'll definitely be supporting you after my own house," she said cheekily at Rylee.
Quinn answered not being ill. The redness had subsided too. It could only be effects of the light. "No, I'm not." Oli responded kindly to Quinn.