HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Chuckling that was a good sound, she liked that sound. It was like trickling rain and…and merlin knows what else, but it did things. It made her want to evoke more laughter real laughter true can’t control yourself get a stitch in your sides laughter – but she would wait for that. For real laughter she needed to know her audience and to have everything worked out and right now, now she didn’t. ”…yeah much like they weren’t in the favor of most of panem – that was what you were going for right?” she asked tipping her head at him ”a casual nod to the hunger games…that what Hogwarts is like? I always thought it would be more like Narnia meets the death-cure – danger, destruction and oh look a unicorn” she shrugged her shoulder not sure really whether she’d just pulled an obscure muggle reference out of her repertoire of obscure muggle books and failed at it…maybe it was just a figure of speech?
Still Chase’s seeming interest in the business idea made her grin. ”aw I’m glad you’re interested…for a second I would have thought you were disappointed but then again I have a tendency to disappoint people…its in my nature” she added a playful just-for-fun extra dramatic wink that turned into a frenzy of eyelash fluttering.
The moment she tried to wink her contact had fallen out. ”I can’t see” she flailed for a moment before simply squinting at him for a moment longer and plucking the other contact out and placing her glasses on. ”those things are devils, I hate them…they’re always spinning never settling and they burn its like….like someone decided to put pepper juice in your eye because it made you see better except it doesn’t cause you’re always blinking and crying and losing the dang things” she huffed again before putting the contact in the case she pulled from her bag. Right…right, good side. ”Am I? or am I just trying to give you a better variation of the salty nickname…Sir Saltypants of the…put some place here saltypants could work” she shrugged not really caring as much a s she felt – again, like she had made a fool of herself. ”and you’ll know when I’m trying to get on your good side Chase,” she informed with a smirkish grin.
Oh…did she make him feel awkward – the way he glanced for the exit made her curious. ”don’t tell me…you thought I was madly in love with you – like some princess in a fairytale…? Don’t forget man…I’m still very like Katherine from taming of the shrew except…I’m not going to let anyone try and train me into being servient at all” she took a moment and then glanced up at him ”…I mean, c’mon that wouldn’t work at all…I’d have their heads”
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |