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| Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch Chapter 3: Frey's AettThis first family represents the fertility, the vital force, and its demonstrations in the human being. It is the awakening of the consciousness, the aett of the "Knowledge." Frey's Aett represents the first steps of the future enlightened towards the ultimate purpose. FEHU - ᚠ Pronunciation: Fay-who Meaning: Cattle Transliteration: F Description: The rune of Fehu symbolizes two branches which grow off of a tree, or two horns of a cow. The literal meaning of "Fehu" is "cattle," which in the past was a clear representation of a family's wealth. Debts could be paid in cattle, and each man had a blood-price that could only be paid in cattle if they were killed unjustly. Even if one did not tend and own his own cattle, part of the tribe's or clan's cattle was thought to belong to them depending on their status -- a bard, for example, was thought to have a blood-price almost equal to that of a king. Cattle were both a measure of value, and a means of exchange -- much like 'money' is used today. Interpretation: Wealth and success will soon arrive. Long hours of hard work which took place in the past which will soon be rewarded. Wealth is always fluid and changing, but Fehu's appearance usually signifies an upswing in business affairs and earnings. Carried with the rune Fehu is the warning to apply these new earnings to things that have solidity and permanence once they arrive. The fluidity of the earnings which are referenced here also reminds us that wealth slip easily through one's fingers. Caution and restraint must be exercised.
Fehu also represents the attachment and sense of self-worth that one can obtain from wealth. It represents the dreams and goals that the individual has mapped out. When Fehu turns up, these dreams may be coming close to realization.
Fehu also refers to the economics of relationships; not just debts in the financial sense of the term. The appearance of this rune is an indication that there may be personal debts outstanding. Was there a promise made that needs to be kept and has been long-standing? If so, one should start down the road of making amends, as Fehu signifies that repayment must occur imminently.
Wealth is also power -- the rune frequently refers to power (and the exercise of power) that comes with success on the material plane. Merkstave: The dark side of wealth is referenced here. Inverted, Fehu's wealth is not lost, but the individual will likely experience the down-side of this wealth. Money may corrupt, or friends may ask one for money and then deny their friendship when their requests are refused. The appearance of the inverted Fehu serves as a reminder to manage one's own wealth and possessions effectively, rather than letting them assume control on their own. Money, like power, can be used for both good and bad. It carries with it both positivity and negativity. Fehu reversed is a reference to money's more negative aspects. Divinatory Meanings: Prosperity, money, wealth, concern with physical and financial needs, goals, promotion, self-esteem, centeredness, karma. Magical Uses: For money, business, promotion, finding a job, achieving a goal, starting new enterprises. Energy: Mobility, luck, charisma, dynamic power, liquid and mobile transferable energies, abundance, and circulation. URUZ - ᚢ Pronunciation: Ooo-rooze Meaning: Aurochs Transliteration: U Description: A mighty animal stands on four legs, two of which are obscured -- it raises it's head to the sky. The "auroch" was a massive (and now extinct) early European ox; their size was between a modern-day bison and a mammoth. The Vikings prized these mighty creatures for their enormous horns, which they would use to drink out of. In his Gallic Wars, Caesar wrote of the use of the aurochs hunt to initiate boys to manhood among the 'Germanii' (the Roman name for the German tribes). This rune is also representative of the Norse God "Ull". Ull was the God of archery, hunting, and winter. He is the "leader of the hunt" in Germanic folklore. Interpretation: This rune represents raw physical power. It would not be uncommon for it to turn up in readings for an athlete, hunter, or a member of the military. Uruz also represents virility -- most commonly (but not exclusively) the male side of those attributes. It may also represent a show of force which is unusually great for a specific individual.
Its appearance often signals a significant internal life change if the individual involved in a rune reading is a man; or a shift in his masculine powers, depending on his age. If the individual in a rune reading is female, it represents a man that is about to affect her life somehow, most likely in reference to a romantic or physical relationship. It also refers to all of those aspects considered masculine that are still present in the female, such as athleticism and competitiveness.
It may also refer to the abuse or overuse of those powers -- if the individual is an athlete, they may need to change their routine in order to avoid a sports injury. Competitiveness may be getting in the way of advancement. Restraint may be suggested here.
Overall, Uruz refers to great strength, sexuality, athleticism, virility, and the employment of all of these things. It may also indicate that subtlety and inaction are both poor choices at this juncture. Merkstave: A weakening of one's physical or emotional self. Someone may be trying to use the individual's own power against them. Watch out for energy-sapping situations and people; they are present when this rune is inverted. Divinatory Meanings: Energy, passion, vitality, instinct, wildness, fertility, the unconscious, primitive mind, irrationality, shamanic experience, rite of passage. Magical Uses: To strengthen the will, increase energy; for hunting. Energy: Vital formative force, archetypal patterning, raw primal power, survival, healing, endurance, manifestation, and organic structuring. THURISAZ - ᚦ Pronunciation: Thoor-ee-saws Meaning: Giant Transliteration: Th Description: In Norse mythology, the ancient and wicked Frost Giants bore an evil son named Loki whose sole mission in life was to torment mankind. Although eternal enemies of the Norse gods, the Frost Giants consequently gave the Norse gods a purpose: the defense and protection of their sacred realms. This rune represents the treachery of the Frost Giants and all the danger they represent, as well as the need for faithful vigilance and responsibility in the face of opposition. Thurisaz is also called "the thorn". While the thorn is often seen as a source of pain, it can (as with the thorn of the rose) also be a source of profound beauty. Contained in this rune is much of the old Norse view of winter and the elements: Beauty and danger combined in physical form. A time of trials. Interpretation: Thurisaz is the sacrifice that one must make in order to make progress in life. It is the very essence of discipline. This rune references the pain that must be endured for the reward that lies at its end. It may be likened to a long period of study that lies before the start of a satisfying career. A painful lesson learned. Monetary hardship, a temporary separation, or anything that requires a personal sacrifice to "get through" to the other side of the situation.
Thursiaz represents harsh outside forces which stand in opposition -- particularly natural forces or forces on a larger scale.
On the positive side, Thurisaz also signifies discipline and the necessity of change: Things that are happening are meant to happen. They are part of the grand cycle of life and nature. Those things that we are forced to endure will pave the way for good things in the future. Merkstave: Being too resistant to change and not dealing with adversity. Seeing only the short term of a situation, not the long term. One should take care to understand the hardships that one is dealing with -- don't ignore them as they may become larger problems later. Divinatory Meanings: Hardship, painful event, discipline, knowledge, introspection, focus. Magical Uses: Aid in study and meditation, self-discipline, clearing out a bad situation. Energy: Enthusiasm, self-empowerment, chaos, active defensive force, breaker of resistance, and destructive storms. ANSUZ - ᚨ Pronunciation: Awn-sooze Meaning: Odin Transliteration: A Description: Ansuz is the rune of Odin -- most powerful of all the gods in Norse mythology. Odin is the All-Father and Norse god of wisdom. Odin brought the wisdom of the runes to mankind through his self-sacrifice at the base of the World Tree. Odin, much like Prometheus of Greek myth, has brought back something sacred and divine to the world of Man. He takes an active interest in the affairs of Man and tries to guide humanity through their trials. Ansuz is also, by virtue of being Odin's rune, a signifier of all forms of creativity, drawing, music, and fine arts. Interpretation: Usually Ansuz signifies an authority figure in the life of the individual, such as an employer, teacher, or parent. Whoever this figure may be, they are about to facilitate a positive life-changing event for the individual. One may look forward to a promotion or bonus due to excellent work. A book may be written, a great work composed, a long-standing problem may be solved creatively. Whatever this achievement is, assistance will be received from someone well qualified to give it.
Ansuz may also reference a highly creative person, or a creative solution to a long-standing problem.
Ansuz can also represent a spiritual teacher or leader, such as a priest, that will act as a guide for the individual on their spiritual and emotional journey. To many, Ansuz is seen literally as the communication method of the word of the divine -- it is Odin's Stave, or wand. A message of guidance, creation, and growth. Merkstave: The authority figures seemingly impede progress -- although this is likely only a perception. The appearance of this rune inverted suggests a resistance to genuine assistance. Perhaps someone is not recognizing help when it is offered. Don't bite the hand that feeds and guides. There is wisdom in your immediate circle of contacts -- but first it must be invited and accepted. Divinatory Meanings: Authority figure, leader, mind & body balance, justice, shaman, clairvoyant. Magical Uses: For wise decisions, success, leadership; to help in divination and magic. Energy: Sovereign ancestral god, animating spirit, breath, communication, exploration, order, answers. RAIDHO - ᚱ Pronunciation: Rye-though Meaning: Ride, journey Transliteration: R Description: Raidho represents the overall life-path of a person. The message of the rune of Raidho is that the stops along the way are less important here than the journey itself. According to Norse mythology, the course of a life is determined by three weaving sisters called the "Norns", who live at the base of the World Tree. The three sisters weave the fates of all mankind. The first sister, Urdr ('becoming'), spins the yarn of each individual's fate. The second, Verdandi ('being'), measures the yarn. The third, Skuld ('that to come') cuts the yarn. Like the "three fates" in Greek mythology, these sisters hold sway over the lives of all living things. The Norns are also tasked with the tending of the roots of the World Tree with water from the Well of Wyrd. The rune Raidho reminds us that specific events are largely beyond our control. Fate is not something that we can ever know or truly understand -- but something that must be respected, for it influences us from beyond our reach. Interpretation: In a reading, a physical journey is likely when Raidho appears. This journey will likely be successful and will lead to a important changes in one's life. A move or a career change is foretold. New experiences and insights await us over the horizon, and will shape the course of our lives.
As with the lesson of the three Norns, the appearance of Raidho also suggests that all efforts to influence the situation (one way of the other) will likely fail. The hands of fate are at work here -- fortunately the indication is largely positive. Raidho may also represent a change in lifestyle -- usually for the better.
At a literal level, Raidho may represent women, sisters or a career path. Merkstave: Journeys may often just be detours off of one's primary path, not part of our primary life journey. Moves and career changes can also mean disruptions in personal relationships, and these must be maintained in order to remain a whole person. Failure to move on will cause stunted growth. Divinatory Meanings: Journey, pilgrimage, change, destiny, quest, progress, life lessons. Magical Uses: Protection for travelers, to ease or bring about change, to reconnect. Energy: Cosmic cyclical law, rhythm, presence (active). KENAZ - < Pronunciation: Cane-awze Meaning: Torch Transliteration: C (hard as in "cat"), K Description: Kenaz represents the brilliant flame of divine inspiration: Rebirth through sacrifice -- Creation through fire. This is the rune of the artisan, and often will frequently appear in readings for those engaged in artistic ventures or seeking creative solutions. New ideas shine brightly in the darkness. What was once gloomy is now brilliantly lit by the introduction of creativity, light-giving energy and radiant warmth. The torch of Kenaz represents illumination and an immense store of divine knowledge. Interpretation: A solution to a long-standing issue. Clarification will come after a long struggle -- the solution will seem simple after the long struggle that has led up to it. Inspiration and the light of knowledge will pave the way for success in the current venture. A sudden insight or enlightenment. A moment is coming when someone will realize their purpose, their entire reason for being. Something (or someone) will light the way to this path.
Enlightenment and clarity do not come without sacrifice. There is often a price to pay for solutions and knowledge. It will not be grievous but it will require that the individual give something up that is precious to them. Knowledge, like the apple of the book of Genesis, may carry a steep cost. Merkstave: A flame is being darkened somewhere in the individual's life. A source of inspiration is petering out. The individual should take care that they are not giving up on their dreams -- which could lead to a cooling of their life spark and spiritual suffering. Do not be so quick to let go of a dream. Divinatory Meanings: Wisdom, insight, solution to a problem, creativity, inspiration, enlightenment. Magical Uses: For creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear. Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (phoenix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination. GEBO - ᚷ Pronunciation: Gay-boe Meaning: Gift Transliteration: G Description: The Rune of Gebo represents the act of "giving" in all it's forms. The ancient Norse tale of "Brunhild" is a good one to illustrate the meaning of this rune: According to legend, the hero Sigurd fought and killed a mighty dragon and took a ring from its hoard. Venturing onwards, he passed through a magical circle of fire where he found a sleeping warrior wearing shining armor. He cut through the armor and revealed Brunhild, a beautiful Valkyrie (an angelic warrior woman of Valhalla) who had been kept there by Odin until a mortal man was brave enough to rescue her. Sigurd then gave her the ring and pledged his unending love to her. Gebo represents a unification of two forces for the betterment of both parties. Whether this is in a business deal or a romantic arrangement is of no consequence -- the result and meaning are the same. Positive emotions, acts of selflessness and the giving of gifts are all referenced here. It should be noted that the legend of Brunhild also carries a somewhat sinister message: As legend has it -- the ring Sigurd gave to Brunhild had been cursed by the wicked god Loki. The meaning here is that while intentions may be noble and emotions may be true -- the hand of fate must be respected: It is always present in all things. Interpretation: A gift will be given, or possibly a marriage proposal or an opportunity to put forward such a proposal is on its way. A generous, bountiful person who wishes to enrich one's life, romantically or materially. A divine gift, the gift of life or of balance. It is important that all parties remain equitable when the gift is given, or that balance which is so important to relationships may be endangered.
On another level, the rune of Gebo may generically represent union. Depending on the other runes that it appears with, it may mean a fleeting encounter; particularly if paired with Uruz. This will be a very intense encounter and one that can be grown into something more if desired. Merkstave: Gebo cannot be inverted. Divinatory Meanings: Gift, offering, relationship, love, marriage, partnership, generosity, unexpected good fortune. Magical Uses: To find or strengthen a relationship, for fertility, to mark a gift or offering, to bring luck. Energy: Exchanged powers, sacrifice, dissolution of barriers through gifting. WUNJO - ᚹ Pronunciation: Voon-yo Meaning: Joy Transliteration: V, W Description: A flag is planted in the field of battle after a resounding victory. A long struggle has ended. Victory gives way to days of song, celebration and rejoicing. According to Norse mythology, the great halls of Valhalla awaited all vanquished warriors and heroes after death -- as long as they had fought nobly and bravely in life. What awaited the warriors in Valhalla was eternal glory, peace and joy: a state of eternal bliss. Wunjo represents a spiritual ideal which cannot be maintained in the physical world. The facets of Wunjo that we are able to experience in life are thought of as minor tastes of what was promised in Valhalla: a purity of pleasure and spiritual contentment. Interpretation: Success and achievement of a goal. The attainment of desire, possibly a person, a monetary desire, or otherwise. Fantasies are soon to be fulfilled when this rune appears.
One must be careful that the desires in this rune do not give rise to an obsessive nature. Too much focus can be placed on the end goal rather than the means of achieving it. The appearance of this rune may indicate a need to stop and reassess -- to take measure of the object of one's pursuits. Wunjo reminds us that some fantasies are best left to the realm of fantasy.
Cautionary notes aside, Wunjo is a rune of great happiness and deserved celebration. It is an indication to enjoy all that it has to offer. Success and the true rewards of a job well done. Wunjo may also indicate a conflict that has not yet occured -- but will prove beneficial -- and ultimately result in victory, joy and material gain. Merkstave: A goal takes longer to reach than was expected. A journey towards a goal is painful. The need to try harder in order to realize one's dreams. There is a definite need to reassess the end goal and ensure that it is the right one when one sees Wunjo inverted. Divinatory Meanings: Success, recognition of achievements, reward, joy, bliss, achievement of goals, contentment. Magical Uses: For success in any endeavor, to motivate, to complete a task. Energy: Harmony of like forces, effortless ease, fellowship, fulfillment, wishing, genuine friendship.
Last edited by Zoe; 04-28-2018 at 11:05 PM.