exotic dish Arts TRANSPONSTER! Kieran once again just stood there in now somewhat dirty apron and watched the next judge do her thing. He was only half listening as his attention was now on the audience as some kids were yelling and... he zoned out.
The next thing he knew was that there were some pastries displayed over there and the American sounding guy was heading that way and then was giggling. What a w.e.i.r.d.o.
The only thing he caught the judge saying was 'best of luck to you' and that they might start. He blinked and once again had a brain block. What was he meant to do again? Cook what?
It was only when he saw one of the other contestants walk past him with a lobster that he snapped back to reality. "RIGHT!" He exclaimed rather loudly before dashing off to grab some porlock meat. Kieran wasn't entirely sure one could eat porlock, but... there was some Porlock meat there so that answered his question, he supposed. If it wasn't edible they'd all suffer from belly aches later on, no big deal.
He was pretty sure it was edible, though.
Right? "Sure." He replied to himself.
Anyway, there it was, right on his workstation now. The 27 year-old proudly looked at the pile of meat for a second or two before looking around, wondering what he was supposed to do next. "RIGHT!" He said, once again snapping back to reality. Cheese and stuff. Flour, salt, water, all that normal stuff.
He tapped his wand and the raw meat floated to a pan and started cooking over a medium heat. That already looked nice, in Kieran's point of view. Not that it was morbid or anything, raw meat and all. It wasn't. It was yummy. Or would be. Soon.
Anywho, the man was off to collect some other ingredients. He fussed around quite a lot and when he finally came back to his station he checked to see if the meat was doing okay.
Well, it was a pile of meat that was cooking. It was doing okay... Shrug.
He put some butter on top of it and watched it melt for a good couple of seconds before turning his attention fully to the other ingredients. Chopping some mushrooms, he added those and some onion to the Porlock meat because yummy. With his frantic and nearly freakish agility, Kieran mixed the flour and salt and water and butter and. That was it.
He flicked his wand and the dough started to stretch and contract on its own as he watched. It was pretty mesmerising and Kieran admired the show for nearly a full minute, only then snapping back to reality. Again. "RIGHT! Nearly there." He told himself, shifting his focus to a tray. Waving his wand, the dough placed itself onto the tray just in time for him to plop the Porlock meat on it. Another bit of crust floated and placed itself on te top of the dish, closing it like a lid. An edible lid. Neat!
He popped that in the oven and... waited. Nothing else to do.
Clasping his hand behind his back, he shifted his weight back and forth to the front and back of his feet and made a bunch of random whistling noises as his gaze darted around aimlessly.
When he guessed it had been there long enough, he engorged a mushroom and shaped it like a hoof. It was Porlock pie and there were a load of mushrooms in there too. Mushroom hoof to REPRESENT. Like a sticky label, but edible. And without words.
Kieran levitated the dish out of the oven and placed it on the station in front of him, fixing the massive hoof-mushroom into it, with most of the thing still sticking out for emphasis. "Porlock pie?" He tried.
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-29-2018 at 04:57 AM.
Reason: putting category title for easier marking ^_^