liquid luck Arts TRANSPONSTER! Huh...
Were they supposed to have watched that guy create the entire drink before he spoke to the audience? Because that was exactly what Kieran did. Whoa, wait!
When he realised what he had just done, Kieran looked around to make sure he hadn't been the only one that had been pretty much hypnotised by the shenanigans and was glad to see that no, he had not. Phew, harhar! "Ocean butterbeer." Kieran repeated after the man in a whisper. What an interesting concept.
ASDFGHJKL whoa, the audience got to TASTE THEIR CONCOCTION. Nice. Nice, NICE, Kieran was EXCITED FOR THAT.
Mm. Maybe. If excited meant his palms were sweating like crazy and that his heart was going aslkfjsfkjndskjlf, then yes, yes, he was excited.
Kieran was lost in his thoughts about the AUDIENCE drinking whatever it was HE was going to MAKE that he missed it when the man said they could start. DID HE WISH THEM GOOD LUCK??? Hopefully he did! KIERAN NEEDED LUCK because he was not his father.
Speaking of him, was he in the audience yet? No? GOOD!!! Breeeeeeeeathe.
Being about two full minutes behind the other contestants, Kieran finally snapped back to reality and looked at whatever was in front of him. UUUUUuuuuuUUUUUuuUUuuuuummm... um. Mind block. "WHY?" He yelped before he could stop himself, quickly covering his mouth after he let that slip. "Sorry, hehe." The man said with a squared grin it was more like a rectangle, really. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm." He started moving rather broadly yet quickly as he fumbled about gathering random ingredients. RANDOM, they say? NOooOOOOoOOOooo, sir. Well, okay, maybe a little.
Cutting two limes in half, he squeezed the juice of both fruits into a drink shaker. After wiping his hands on his okayest apron, Kieran got his wand and magically squirted some extremely fizzy liquid into the shaker, causing loud noises that sounded like Muggle fire-extinguishers to fill the area. "OOP!" He exclaimed when he was done filling the shaker, stopping the stream of... fizziness. The man closed the shaker and started the workout. Shake shake shake shake SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE SHAKESHAKEHASKAHEKHAKEHFALJEHFKLSJHFKJ. "Whew!" He slammed the object onto his workstation, not really thinking that might startle some audience members. What audience again?
Kieran was in the ZONE.
With a frantic, robotic and almost freakish agility, he started a streamline of chopping and tossing. Soon some cranberries, red grapes and raspberries were flying into the air, going UP and down in an upside down U motion, finishing off their little show by diving right into the once again open shaker.
When he was happy with the amount of fruit he had chopped, he tapped his wand on the shaker again before quickly closing it, shaking it for one last time and... turning it upside down.
Levitating some fancy glasses towards him, he kept them floating mid-air and made them all also turn upside down.
Kieran held the shaker in front of his stomach, finally reopening it while keeping it upside down. Poking his tongue out in concentration, he gauged the right distance and alignment with the glass that was right in front of his face and started pouring the now bright purple, extremely fizzy translucid drink UP into the fancy... upside down glasses.
The zero gravity drink started spilling towards the sky only to be perfectly caught into each of the serving glasses. When he was done pouring what felt like BILLIONS of glasses, Kieran placed the shaker down and took a glass for himself.
Still upside down, it was. Of course.
He brought it down near his belly, where the shaker had once been and... quickly removed the glass in another frantic move that caused the liquid to spill out and float upwards again. As it went up towards his face, the man basically CHOMPED the liquid and chuckled!gargled. "Microgravity blaster!" He finished by raising his now empty - stiiiill upside down - glass, not able to fully smile because that was a lot of liquid he had just poured into his mouth.
Merlin, help him.
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 04-29-2018 at 04:56 AM.
Reason: just putting category title in for easy marking ^_^