Liquid luck :3 HOLISTIC ACTRESS {X O} EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED Logan looked around at the crowd for a moment as she thought about the competition…and then she heard it the announcement to start cooking – what was she going to make? Something to pay homage to her durmstrang roots…something, something inspired by the wolverine life?
Green…maybe? Or did she want it to be something to pay homage to Marus? Looking at the tools and ingredients around her she finally settled on making something to pay homage to her truest friends – both Marus and Altair they had been there for her and really it might have been more for Mar than anyone.
Perfect. Taking a dragon fruit from the bin of exotic fruits she cut it in half and then sliced off a small circular section for a garnish. Taking the rest of the fruit she carved away the peel and placed it into the blender before halving and scooping out the center of a kiwi and adding it into the blender and pulsing it – once – twice – three times before adding in more ingredients. The juice of a lime that she squeezed into the blender, ice cubes, coconut milk and powder from a dried crushed raspberry.
The mixture looked like a slushed up smoothie for the moment. It wasn’t ready yet with its bits and chunks in it. Taking a bit of cheesecloth and spreading it over a large bowl she began pouring the liquid mess over the cloth. With it solidly on the center of the cloth, she began grabbing up the edges until it was a large ball and squeezed until the juice and color simply filled the bowl.
Taking her time she moved the concoction into a pitcher before dolling it out into the little cups so that the audience could taste it. Using her wand she duplicated the dragonfruit piece she had cut before and added it as a little decoration to each of the small cups.
She even named it for Marus, Beach please...because she loved her truly.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |