Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna SEPTIMUS. QUINN. NAIRNE! THE SORTING HAT SAYS.... WIT | FLYING | SMART | TRAIT ah I see, better be... RAVENCLAW ! ------------ s u r f a c e. ------------- ...the wand chooses the wizard Full Name: Septimus Nairne AgeB-day 13 years old B-day August 31st Blood Status: Mixed Blood Wand: Length, Wood, Core, description Year: Third Year ------------ p h y s i c a l. --- t r a i t s. ------------- like plastic, like barbie... Eyes: Brown Hair: Curly Dark Brown Height: Weight: Average Cloths/ Style: Play By: Masam Holden ------------ p e r s o n a l i t y. ------------ ...they say inside is what counts
what's inside that shell of yours? Full Personality: {3 or more paragraphs, very descriptive} Likes: Arithmatic, playing quidditch Dislikes: {at least 5} Boggart: TBD Dementor: TBD Patronus: TBD Amorentia: TBD Veritaserum:: TBD Strengths: Weaknesses: ------------ f a m i l y. s e c r e t s. ------------ what happens when families are around? Mother: Josephine Nairne nee Hadley
blood status: Half Blood
occupation: Curse Reversal Specialist – Ministry of Magic Father: Addison Xavier Nairne
blood status: Half Blood
occupation: Cursebreaker – Gringotts Wizarding Bank Other Family:
Grandparents: Simone and Xavier Nairne
Aunts: Aurora Nairne, Allegra Nairne
Cousins: Full History: ------------ p u p p e t e e r. m a k e s. a p p e a r a n c e. ------------ and let's see who works behind the scenes... Name: Kat Experience: 10+ years
Last edited by Charely Potter; 12-12-2019 at 12:52 PM.
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