The first annual Taste of Wizarding London Cook-off is set up in the park near the alley. Each contestant has everything he or she could ask for at their workstation. Each station is set a few feet apart so that they have room to work as well as no room to cheat. A screen is placed behind them so everything they are doing is magically brought up on the screen for the audience to see and cheer them on.
The contestants will be competing in three categories, Liquid Luck (drinks), Exotic dishes (Anything you can think of, the more creative the better), and Magical desserts (the food has a magical trace, ex: chirp, levitate). The contestant with the most points at the end wins the grand prize, prize money and your exotic dish featured at the Cafe with the colored Umbrella's.
Contestants will post one long post per categories, a post from a judge will tell you when that category will start. Each contestant will get four days to post in the category before it is time to move on to the next. The following rubric will be what the judges use to score each post.
The rubric is marked ooc but will be converted into an IC score for RP purposes. Each judge will be marking off the same rubric, and the scores will be added together and averaged out to get the final result.
Category: Liquid Luck /5
This category is marked out of five based on how well your character's dish matches the category. Consider: is it liquid/a drink? Does your character have some reasoning as to why they chose to produce that particular drink?
Category: Exotic dishes /5
This category is marked out of five based on how well your character's dish matches the category. Consider: is it a demonstrably creative dish? Has your character really thought outside the box and put an original spin on their dish?
Category: Magical desserts /5
This category is marked out of five based on how well your character's dish matches the category. Consider: what magical effects does your character's dish have? Is it a dessert? How does the magical effect manifest?
Participation and Interaction: /5
For each post you automatically get 1 point. The other two points will be awarded based on how your character reacts/adapts/responds to the setting/scores/other characters/audience/their own nerves as the competition progresses, basically we don't want to see anyone RPing in a bubble!
Creativity: /10
For this category, your posts overall will be marked out of ten based on how descriptive you are about your character's dish. Since we can't actually TASTE the food, you need to make sure we can imagine it. Tell us about how it interacts with the senses! Your posts do not need to be long, but they should have creative substance if you want to score high in this area!
Realism: /10
To score high in this category, firstly your dish should make sense. If there are magical elements (and there should be!) tell us what spells your character is using (even if they are made up!). If its a frozen drink, then don't tell us you're baking it in the oven! Tell us a bit about your character's method, the measurements, their recipe, and if they're using cooking techniques, you'll score higher if you use actual real terms for them!
In character, the judges are using a variation of the EAT method. Each dish will be IC marked out of 100 based on the ooc scores above, and the overall winner will be the averaged result of the three categories, with nods to the winners in each individual category as well.
Execution = /35 (Realism & Creativity inform this result)
Appearance= /15 (Category informs this result)
Taste = /50 (Realism & Creativity inform this result)
Please note that if you don't manage to post in the allotted time, we will need to come up with a reason something went wrong for your character and they were unable to complete a plated dish.
Alice Dunley
Ronan Carter
Cinnamon Culloden
Jeremy Kane
Cassandra Lynn Carter
Kieran Wolford
Logan-Anne McNevin
Glenys Banner