Office of Professor Noble As you enter Professor Noble’s office, the first thing you’ll notice is that it’s utilitarian rather than decorative. Three walls are covered in shelves, two almost groaning at the weight of books on them, and the other housing a number of obscure potions ingredients and equipment. The fourth wall only lacks shelves due to the fireplace. The mantle is sparse, save for a gold wind up clock covered with a glass dome in the centre. A bright fire burns within the grate, a small copper cauldron suspended over it with a spatula self-stirring a mysterious liquid merrily bubbling away.
Of the other furniture, the large wooden desk dominates the room, for the most part covered in various academic books and papers interspersed with a few lesson plans and piles of student work for marking. The only corner not to be covered in paperwork holds a coffee pot and two photo frames, the only evidence of Ignatius’ family. The first contains a torn and tatty picture of a young girl, Professor Noble’s step-daughter, proudly knelt down in her cricket kit, still wearing her pads, and holding her bat. The second photo is clearly much more recent, where Abigail has flourished into a beautiful young lady. A pride comes into Professor Noble’s eyes when he looks at it. It was on her suggestion that he applied for the job at Hogwarts.
While most of the furniture appears mainly functional, the chairs are the exception. Upholstered in an elaborate orange-gold fabric, with detailed carved dark wooden legs, both his own chair and the two for his guests are exquisite pieces in their own right. If Professor Noble has offered you one, do make yourself comfortable - they’re charmed to be just the right amount of cushioned. |