Thread: Bronze Knocker
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Old 11-22-2017, 01:52 AM
Zoe Zoe is offline
Default Bronze Knocker

If it is your life's ambition to explore every nook and cranny of the school, then odds are you have made the long walk up one of the tallest towers of the castle and stumbled upon a door with no knob. On it is just a simple bronze eagle knocker. This may be a disappointment to some because all of that climbing had been for nothing. Ravenclaws, however, know that this door is very special because behind it is their very airy common room.

Anyone can, of course, approach the knocker and try to get in. After all, to get by you only need to provide an answer to one of its riddles. This will only cause more disappointment to the overconfident non-Ravenclaws who think they can break into the common room at any time. The riddles that the knocker is awaiting answers for aren't exactly easy. Those belonging in the house of Rowena Ravenclaw should be able to answer with ease. Regardless of who answers, if the answer is incorrect the door will not open and you'll be left standing outside until someone comes along with the right answer.