First-Floor Corridor  To get to Defence Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, or Muggle Studies, one will have to make use of the first floor corridor. Getting here is usually relatively easy if you're coming from one of the lower levels of the castle as you need only deal with the moving staircases for just a few minutes. Rugs with intricate patterns have been placed on the floor to soften your footsteps so that any learning going on inside the classrooms isn't disturbed.
Make sure you are not dilly dallying on your way to or from class. This corridor in particular is often times filled with students during the school day and a few professors pointing those who have managed to get lost in the right direction. Various doors flank this corridor, so make sure to memorize which of the portraits are outside of the classrooms you should be entering. And don't freak out when the corridor comes to a sudden halt -- the door at the end of the hallway will take you outside to the stone bridge and then to the rest of the first floor over in the next tower. Just keep moving!