The Lions' Den Once you've given The Fat Lady the correct password, you'll enter the Gryffindor common room. On one side of the room is the game room; on the other is the gymnasium. At the back of the room are two spiral staircases leading to the dormitories: boys to the left, girls to the right. Two lion statues sit on either side of each staircase. Don't forget to give them a pat before heading to bed; you're sure to get a roar or a purr in return!
The circular space is decorated in the signature Gryffindor colors of scarlet and gold, and there are plenty of plush armchairs, sofas, and beanbags for lounging. The room's most prominent feature is a fireplace; over its mantel hangs a portrait of a lion. A large portrait of the house's founder Godric Gryffindor adorns the back wall. Several other tapestries and paintings depicting animals and famous Gryffindor alumni decorate the walls - who knows? You may even find some of the famous Harry Potter himself! There's also a plaque and a bulletin board on one side of the room. Don't forget to read up on important announcements!
this room is your home away from home during your time heare at Hogwarts. So, relax, take a load off! START OF TERM PARTY STARTS HERE! As you step into the common room, you will find the place completely decked out for Gryffindor's start-of-term party. Decorations in Gryffindor colours of red and gold adorn the room, as is to be expected, but most of the decorations are superhero and comic book themed, as this is the theme for tonight's party. A 'Welcome Back!' banner in red and gold comic-book-style letters is stretched across one wall, and streamers are spread around the room. Check out the balloons, decorated with pictures of superheroes, and which, when burst, do not pop but will instead play short bursts of theme music or emit memorable superhero quotes.
At one end of the common room a table is laden with food. In keeping with the theme, there are cookies decorated with comic book sound effects - 'POW!', 'BAM!', 'WHACK!', 'BOOM!', 'ZAP!', etc - that cause people to float a few feet off the ground when eaten. A large bowl of vivid green 'Kryptonite punch' sits in pride of place on the table, and will turn the drinker green once consumed. Scattered about the table are trays of regular drinks, some pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes, and party platters of regular, non-magical food, full of sandwiches, mini pizzas, and other snacks. Have an allergy, intolerance, or other dietary requirement? Fear not, Professor Marchand has you covered, and every Gryffindor's needs have been catered to over at the food table; just be sure to check the labels.
Off to one side of the room is another table, this one set up with replicas of superhero-related gadgets, available for everyone to check out at their leisure. The gadgets set out are: Spiderman's web slingers, which can be fitted onto the wrist and produce silly string; Captain America's shield; Thor's hammer, Mjolnir; Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth; and non-sharp versions of Batman's Batarangs. Nearby, an activity is set up for any who wish to take part. Targets, moving at random, can be seen around this area in the form of cut-out comic book villains - the Joker, Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Magneto, and Catwoman, each appearing more than once. For the activity, use the web slingers or one of the other gadget replicas to hit the targets. Any student to hit five or more targets wins themselves some chocolate from Honeydukes sweet shop. Have fun! OOC note: It is up to the RPer to decide how long the Kryptonite punch will turn their character green for... anything between between a few minutes and a few days. This party will last ABOUT 2 WEEKS OOC (May 18) |