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Old 03-21-2018, 04:24 AM   #24 (permalink)
Moira Mckinley
Dufftown Muggle
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Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 1,003

What a lovely weekend! Moira whistled a little tune to herself as she set a cardboard cutout of Choco-Charlie, a cartoony ice cream cone, outside her shop. Not a moment too soon, it seemed! She'd barely finished unfolding the cutout when she saw a group of kids approaching. One small boy among them (Beau)was shouting about ice cream and - oh, no!

She motioned the boy over. "I think I can help you out, lad," she said. "There's a loo in the back of my shop just there-" She pointed in the direction. "-and when you get back, I'll give you an ice cream sample."

She smiled at the others. "How about the rest of you kids? Would you like a free sample?" Uh-oh, looked like another minor crisis to solve. "Be right back!"

She rushed to the young blonde mum and her son, a coloring page and crayons in hand. "Hello, love. How'd you like to color Choco-Charlie?"she asked, giving the items to the little one. To the mum, she said, "I've some more wipes in the back if you need them."

Now what was she doing? Oh right, samples. She grabbed her tray of sample cups and rejoined the kids. "Here we are. It's chocolate-covered strawberry flavored - made it fresh this morning!"

Oh, hi, Archie! She waved at the older man.
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