Astronomy & CoMC Lesson Activity Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Daisy was nervous about heading in that direction. So much so that she had started to head in the direction of the castle, causing the owl to peck her finger sharply as the Hufflepuff scratched her head. Daisy sighed and looked at her compass and map before moving towards a place that she did not want to go, ever. The fear-inducing darkness of the Forbidden Forest came into Daisy's line of sight. "Can't I turn back?" Daisy asked and she got a little nip on the ear by the barn owl as if it was telling her "no". She took a couple of steps forward and soon her star map had its first gold star.
"Right! Let's get out of here," Daisy panted, waiting to get to the second location as soon as possible.