Gaston emerged from his office for a few moments to make his way to the bulletin board. He willed himself not to look at the fading hawk as he opened the glass case, but his eyes seemed to have a mind of their own and darted toward the ceiling. He shuddered. Better hurry up and post his announcement before he became too lost in the bad thoughts brought on by that hawk!
Taking care not to cover any of the other messages, he put up a simple, neatly printed flyer:
Wandlore Field Trip
When is it: 11 AM April 4, 2095 (OOC: 5 AM EDT March 12, 2017)
Where to meet:
The Entrance Gate (We will be traveling by Portkey to The Caledonian Forest)
Who can attend: Students enrolled in Wandlore or who are interested in learning about wandlore
What to wear: comfortable clothes and shoes suitable for hiking
What to bring: a packed lunch, your wand, and a positive attitude