~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. 6. Crucio The faceless person loomed over her.
Rachel, trapped in a corner, stared fearfully but defiantly up at her attacker. She refused to go down without a fight though she was unaware where this sudden surge of courage came from. The faceless, nameless attacker cackled. Female, it was definitely a female. "Why are you doing this?'' Rachel asked, surprised that her voice remained steady.
Miss Faceless didn't answer but instead raised a wand and pointed it at Rach's chest. "Crucio!'' a wheezy voice exclaimed.
The pain hit Rachel and she screamed liked she never screamed before- at the top of her lungs. At the same time, she thrashed around in her bed. Someone was shaking her. "Rachel! Rachel! You're dreaming. Wake up!''
Brown eyes opened and the twenty year old stared up into Kyle's face. She was sweating and was quite sure she was pale. Without saying anything, she buried her face against him, simply glad for his constant presence in her life which was always reassuring to her. |