Face Claim: Davey Fisher About Me:- Full Name: Kace Troy Lecium
- Blood Status: Half Blood
- Nickname: Penguin Kace, Ace the Kace
- Date of Birth: December 23, 2070
- Place of Birth: Lawrence, Kansas
- Current Residence: London, England
- Patronus: Jack Russell Terrier
- Division: Magical Creatures
- Department: House Elf Advocate
- Height: 6’0
- Build: Athletic
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Eye Color: Green
Family- Sister: Annabelle Lecium (Graduating Class of 2080)
- Father: Nathan Lecium
- Mother: Haley Lecium
- Cousins: Colt Winchester (Graduating Class of 2092), Braedon Gallagher
Education and Work History:- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy Class of 2087
- Wizarding Univeristy of Lawrence Kansas
- Resident Assistant 2087-2090
- Extracirculars: Hufflepuff Quidditch Team, Dueling Club
Ordinary Wizarding Level Exam:- Astronomy: E
- Care of Magical Creatures: O
- Charms: E
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
- Herbology: E
- Muggle Studies: O
- Potions: E
- Transfiguration: E
- History of Magic: A
- Ancient Runes: A
- Divination: P
NEWT (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests)- Care of Maigcal Creatures: O
- Transfiguration: E
- Potions: E
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
- History of Magic: A
- Herbology: E
- Charms: E
- Astronomy: O
- Muggle Studies: O
Personality: Being the youngest, Kace always had to figure out how to avoid certain situations such as being picked on by his cousins. His father taught him the value of hard work. He got his ambitious and always willing to do the right thing from his mother. Kace loves making new friends although he can be insensitive and argumentative in certain situations.
Family History:
Living on a farm just inside Lawrence, Kansas, Nathan and Haley Lecium were excited with the news of a baby boy. After already having Annabelle these parents were experts at managing chaos. Expecting their baby boy two days before Christmas his mother claimed Kace to be a little unique miracle. She wanted to pick a unique name and found Kace in the baby book and chose it. Her father was hesitant but grew to love the name.
A couple years later, learning the value of hard work working on the farm, Kace always had a love for animals. He took care of the cows, chickens and pigs. His father always warned him that nothing comes cheap. Once Kace starting developing magical powers around the age of eleven, his mother was delighted with the news. Annabelle already attended Hogwarts at this point. Haley already had magical blood on her side and couldn’t wait for Kace to explore his magical abilities.