Thread: Ski Race!
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Old 02-24-2018, 06:31 PM
kayquilz kayquilz is offline
Default Ski Race!

Fancy yourself a great skier, or perhaps just someone who enjoys the adrenaline inducement of a good ole' race? Anyone who wants to participate in the race can do so. Prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be given. The race will be begin about two hours into orientation. So grab your gear (your own or rented!) and get ready. On your marks...get set....


OOC: How will it work? Each participant has to post between 3 times and roll a random number generator [link!] and have it set between 1-20. The person who has the least amount at the end of all their posts will win. The race will last OOC for most of the "retreat" so that anyone who starts posting late can partake in the race. Ties will not be broken. We will have the announcement of the winners at the end. Anyone who does not post three times will not have their scores counted; these posts can be as creative as possible, and feel free to interact with other racers. But as your character finishes, please be vague as to where they finished (because we won't know yet). Any questions, please feel free to contact kayquilz.