A Poop * k8 *
It was...extremely warm...which didn't help how awful he felt...PLUS all of them had SEEN HIM puke and he felt his cheeks just BURNING at the thought. He managed to wave his wand and evanesco that nonsense away, but then ZORYN threw up and Paul knew...okay... "You all can go! I'm clearly not feeling well--" he was blowing cold air on his face. His skin looked waxen and pale, almost green. Merlin. "I..I just need some fresh air--class dismissed!" Because who wanted to stay after that whole scene O__O And Paul literally felt he was going to pass out very shortly if he did not sit down or drink water or BOTH-- "So sorry to end early!"
He nodded at the suggestion of water. "Water would be nice, but no one is obligated to stay! I'll probably head to the healer--Zoryn, are you all right? Just grossed out?" He poofed her vomit away, too. The saltines might be nice. He took the bag and sniffed the saltiness...inside...not sure if he could stomach it.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |