a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means Text Cut: Zita Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Standing in the cold Zita shivered a bit, these winter months were awful, though she'd deal with it for a moment before she'd turn back and just try again later or should she just shove the paper under his door. Her thoughts didn't get very far when she heard someone call out. Turning she watched him land that damn broom. Really did he know she was coming so he had to put on a show? Just then she realized she should have asked Maxton to come with her or even just brought his homework, that wasn't very nice of her. She'd have to make it up to him. "Hello professor, I've come to drop off my assignment. Ten full pages for you."
She might have fumbled through some of it, but it was done and she had made the ten pages on that vicious killing game they played in class. She wondered how many did get injured with those horrible brooms.
Giving another shiver she pulled the papers out of her bag and lifted them to him. "Ah, the assignment." Haraldur leaned his broom against one of the benches outside his hut while the Shuntbumps-rebel dug around her bag for the assignment. There was no doubt in his mind her 10 pages would be an... Interesting read. "Ten pages, good, good." He grabbed the pages when she handed them over and had a quick skim through the first paragraph. "Did your research of Shuntbumps change your view of the game? Or only confirm your previous opinion?"
He would probably find out once he had a sat down and read the assignment but he was curious. She wasn't known for easily changing her mind.
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