you two!! <3 YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Eh, she should have known for a Hufflepuff to get in the way of her plans. Her best friend was a Hufflepuff. Also, why did Emmalyn have to be so logical? Because that made a whole lot of sense actually, about the unwanted wizards and muggles. Sort of. "Muggles can't see Hogwarts anyway, but it's just... makes us feel like prisoners." This wasn't Azkaban, after all, but it was a school. Things going on at Hogwarts? Skylar tilted her head curiously at the first year. "Yea, it happened last year too. Honestly, I'm not bothered as long as it doesn't affect me." Sure her dormmate had gotten cursed last year, but she had her eyes on quidditch and her studies and her boyfriend. In general, if it didn't affect any of those things, she wasn't to be bothered.
Waiting for someone? A small mischievous smile crept to her face, as she glanced between the first year and the gates. "Yea. But I don't know how they'll get in, with these gates being locked as they were." Honestly, woe is her. WAIT, WHAT?!? NO, NO, that wasn't part of the plan!! No offense, Emmalyn, but she didn't want her staying with her until she was ready to return the castle. Besides, that could be an ALL day thing and well after curfew and while she was prepared to face the consequences of being caught after curfew, she doubted the first year would.
Before she could comment on that or the truffle offered though, someone else was joining them. That someone was Juniper and really?? What gave the impression something was going on? It was just an innocent, chance meetup between a sixth year and a first year. Emmalyn was quick to divert the attention away from the question and asked Juniper what she was doing all the way down here. Also, candy, because another diversion. "Yes, waiting for someone....But confused as to how they could get in? And why they keep Hogwarts locked up like we're prisoners?" Or at least that was the story she was going with. Because no way could she confess that she was feeling stressed and overwhelmed with everything and wanted to just leave for a bit. One day away in Hogsmeade was definitely not enough time for decompression.
Merlin, she was looking forward to the Winter Holidays.
__________________ ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |