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Old 02-06-2018, 08:46 PM   #18 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Text Cut: Zita
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
She was there and only there to turn in her paper that she had done. The fact that he let her do that at all and didn't force her on a broom was a miracle within itself so in no way would Zita be difficult when it came to this assignment.

Holding it in her hand she knocked on his hut. Was he there or out doing something?
She knew with Quidditch back he was probably extra busy, but hopefully, if he wasn't she could just use a sticking charm to his hut. Professors really needed mailboxes in the school or something. Maybe she would suggest that each having one in common rooms that just zooms stuff right to them. It would be so perfect.

For now though she knocked and waited.

Haraldur wasn't in his Hut or anywhere else on the Grounds. Outside of his usual Groundskeeper and Flying duties, he had some of his own personal matters to take care of, which was why he had just paid the house elves a little friendly visit. His supply of peanuts were running dangerously low and Merlin knew he needed them now more than ever. He took his time to return to the Hut, he had Quidditch practices to approve of, students to grade and lessons to plan. Slowly, he hovered across the Grounds, humming a tune to himself. He should probably take a look by the Lake and the Pathways but a silhouette by his Hut made him change directions again.

A student visit? Someone wondering about the schedule for the next Quidditch game? Haraldur squinted his eyes to recognize the back of the head of Zita Valla.

Maybe not someone wondering about the Quidditch schedule after all.

"Miss Valla," He called out as he approached her and his Hut. "Good afternoon." He said once he reached her and dismounted his brom. The snow let out a satisfying crunch as his boots touched the ground. "How can I help?"

He just had a feeling she wasn't there for a lighthearted chat.

Text Cut: Rylee
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
Rylee nodded fast. "Uh-huh! Gryffindor has an amazing team!" And she wasn't just saying that because she had made the team either. The players on the team had heart and true passion for the game. No matter what happened out there on the pitch they would always give their all to the match.

Nope. She had nothing else to add or ask. Rylee giggled shaking her head. "If I happen to run into a stray toad I'll make sure to ask him if it's you... just in case." Whether or not she was teasing was a little unsure but the smile on her face was still there as was the laughter.

"I should be going anyhow, I need to owl my sister. Thanks again, Mister Baldvinsson! Have a wonderful day!" With that she turned and skipped away waving at the older man as she went.

"That's very true, it's a strong team Gryffindor." He nodded. And they had a Captain which would pretty much do anything for them to win.

Haraldur had every faith in his colleague not to turn him into a toad for his tardiness but thankful nevertheless that he'd have one of his students looking out for him. He gave the young Quidditch player a small wave. "Anytime, Rylee. See you in class."

The flying instructor watched her skip off before he went back inside, grabbed the things he needed for the meeting and quickly flew up to the castle, up the seven floors and towards the Divination tower.

He didn't mind being late to anything (it wasn't like he wasn't always late either way) and especially not if the reason for him being late was his Quidditch players students.
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