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Old 01-23-2018, 04:51 PM   #6 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Stella Marie Reed
Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Text Cut: Jessa
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Around back. Oh. That was even better.

Jessa abandoned her position at the door, heading around the side of the hut and to the back. She was quite relieved to have heard his voice, grateful she wouldn't have to go combing the grounds or periodically checking back until he was here. A third option of waiting around til he got back wasn't plausible at all, mostly because who knew when he'd be back? That could potentially have been a lot of time lost. Suffice to say, she wasn't prepared for that to happen.

"Afternoon Mister Baldvinsson." She greeted, rounding the side of the hut and coming into view as she got to the back. The first thing she noted was the broom in his hand.

"Is....this a bad time?" The Ravenclaw asked, coming to a stop just a few feet away from where the man sat. "I was hoping to talk to you about the rosters if it's not too late." She'd come as soon as she could but who really knew? What if the man had already drafted game rosters? Or other official super important things that once written down couldn't be changed? Was that how Quidditch worked? She wasn't entirely sure about the small details.

Clip, clip.

Haraldur held the broom at arm's length, inspecting how it looked before going in with the clippers again. This was when his visitor rounded the corner.

"Ah, Miss Cambridge, good afternoon!" Haraldur gave her a quick smile before returning to care for his broom. "No, no, you've caught me at a good time. I have some time." Or... He'd taken some time to himself before he had to attend to some business in the Forest.

The old man squinted up at the Ravenclaw and crossed his feet. "The rosters?" He scooted over on the bench and gestured for her to take a seat. After all, there was more than enough room for both of them. "Is there a problem?"

Text Cut: Rylee
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
The Quidditch roster had been posted. Rylee had gone over the roster several times the first time having missed her own name entirely. The second time to look again when she spotted her name and saw that it was listed beside 'Reserve'. Than again to make sure her name was still there. It was.

It wasn't until after speaking with both Stasya and than Captain Zoryn that the first decided to triple check her findings with Mister Baldvinsson. If anyone knew all the specifics about how being a reserved worked... it was him. So it was with complete utter excitement still coursing through her short self that she bounced and skipped her way down from the lions den out onto the ground all the way to the mans Hut.

Rylee briefly looked out at the forest before her attention moved back onto the Hut and she walked towards the door. Luckily for her being little meant she didn't have to duck under those feathers and things the man had hanging around. Raising her fist she rapped her knuckles on the door before plopping her bottom onto the bench and waiting, feet swinging to and fro as she was unable to remain still.

Haraldur was heading to the castle to meet with Laurel to discuss the joint lesson they had planned. He was already running a bit late, but he was sure she was used to it by now. A light knock on the door, warned him he would probably be more than just a little late to their meeting. Dropping what he had in his arms he went to answer the door.

"Why hello there, Miss. Prichard!" He boomed as his eyes landed on the little Lion. "What brings you here?"
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