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Old 01-21-2018, 03:07 AM   #17 (permalink)
Tony Killingworth
Hogsmeade Shopkeeper
Fire Slug
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Hogsmeade
Posts: 147

SPOILER!!: Valkyrie
Originally Posted by Dokimoto View Post
This dino was NUTS! You definitely wouldn't expect that coming from the shopkeep of a quill and ink store, that's for sure! Kye felt a little bad for the boy who was seemingly having a little trouble with words... But he was now preoccupied, and seemed to be fine. She never assumed anyone had a crush on her, but since the dinosaurman already made his statement, Kye decided to play it off by winking and smiling at Mysterious Max. Don't let that confidence go anywhere, kid!

T caught the wink through the dino costume’s eye holes. Yeah. Something might be brewing between those two. Even though he had said nothing about it aloud he was sure of it.

SPOILER!!: Rylee
Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
"Thank you!" Rylee called out over her shoulder to the dancing dino who now very clearly must be the shopkeeper. Chances were she might just need his assistance... or someone's.
Now where was that unicorn parchment? She was positive the shop had that...maybe it was in one of those sets..the ones with the parchment, envelops and such. Making quiet little buzzing noises as she made her way up and down the aisles she tried to look both high and low. Only she couldn't find what she was looking for. Bouncing her way back to the front where the dancing dino was she came to a stop in front of him. "Excuse me... do you have Unicorn parchment? I think it was unicorn print or something like that?" It didn't matter much if it wasn't unicorn print but if there was a unicorn somewhere on it she would be really really happy. "Or foxes? I like those too." Or rats since she had one of those. Any of those would work for today. Then she could get some glitter ink and possibly a really pretty new quill as well!

Then there was a small redhead young lady coming up to him. T peered down at her. “Hello tiny human. You'll make a fine meal. RAWRRR!!’’ He was really joking. Unicorn parchment was something T did have in stock. The dino tried to slap his forehead in dismay but having tiny arms made it difficult to do. He slapped the arms comically against his belly instead. “I forgot to put that out!!’’ T turned tail and was back at behind the counter in no time. There was some shuffling and rustling. “HERE they are!! Hey! Miss redhead! I’ve got your parchment!!’’ T excitedly waved a few.

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
If he got to choose himself a theme tune, he probably wouldn't have opted for the song that was blasting out of the jukebox right now. Even so, Max sent a little smile in Poison Ivy's direction, cheeks burning once again when she winked.
What was it with girl's winking around here!?
There was no way he was about to start 'boogeying' and Max moved closer to the dinosaur shopkeeper to pay his five sickles and take some sugar quills.
"Thanks! Happy Halloween!"

No boogeying from this one which was completely fine with T. He would boogey for them all. “No problem! Enjoy!! Come again next Hogsmeade weekend!’’

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