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Old 01-17-2018, 06:02 PM   #105 (permalink)
Nordic Witch

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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rose Snakebark
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
JT Forsfelle
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ariadne Rose
Third Year

Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley
Ecological Protection
Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!

Originally Posted by Birchwoodmom View Post
Now for the smelly oils. She picked up a bottle, uncorked it, as far away from her face as possible, got a few drops and started massaging it onto her fingers. Much to her surprise, it felt quite nice. She continued to massage until almost all of the oil on her hands had been absorbed.

Emmalyn then picked up the hand mirror and tried to figure out how she was supposed to get the sunlight to shine on her nails. In her haste to make it work, she dropped one of the mirrors on the hard ground, shattering it. “I’m so sorry I broke your mirror, professor. I’ll clean it up.”
Laurel was walking around amongst the tables when she heard how a mirror shattered behind her back. Quickly turning around and scanning for who had done something wrong her eyes came to land on Emmalyn as she apologized. "It's all right dear, it happens. You didn't cut yourself on the glass pieces I hope?" It was good to see that a few of Emmalyn's badger peers already were trying to help her clean up the mess and repair the mirror.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Wrong? Oh, no: the professor had misunderstood her point, Bel was pretty sure, so she stuck her hand back up and responded in earnest. "Well that's what I mean, professor, of course it tells you stuff about a person, but I don't think that makes it divination, because like for instance if someone has rough hands, you can tell they work hard, that doesn't take any special ability. Its the kind of 'divining' that muggles can do even, so it doesn't take any special ability or magic or anything, you know? Only a brain, and intuition about things. So its the kind of thing that charlatans and fakes could use to con people with." Because you could figure out true things about someone for sure, but it wasn't magic-related. Did she see now? What Bel was saying?
Before Laurel had had a chance to go anywhere as the students started with their tasks Bel's hand shot up again like a snake as she quickly responded. Listening she realized that maybe she had misunderstood the girl's point earlier. Even if Laurel rarely like to admit when that was the case. It was a flaw she had, but one she didn't flaunt. Turning to Bel she responded "Yes, you're right Bel from rough hands anyone can understand that it means someone works as a muggle mechanic or similar. But its only a seer/diviner that can predict accidents before they happen and act to prevent them or how long the person with the rough hands will live or get an illness or if he'll have a life of fortunes or misfortunes and so on.


The minutes trickled by fast and it was 30 minutes later that Laurel shouted "Times up!" while she looked out at the washing, massaging and spot identifying students. A quick glance told her that the majority had completed the task she had set them. It was essential that they had or it'd be hard to make the spots and colours and everything stand out for the next part of the lesson. She sent happy smiles and nods all around before Laurel said "Great work everyone! Let's start studying our nails and interpreting what they mean for our futures."

SPOILER!!: Nail image

Laurel paused her to replace the fingernail image back up on the blackboard. "Now that we have oiled our hands and nails it's time to really start observing how our nails actually look and to do that you need to use your hand mirrors to reflect the sunlight upon them so that you really can observe colour specs, markings, nail length and any condition they might show. Problems with your fingernails can be an indicator of an illness."

Pointing to the blackboard Professor Vance continued "Those nails you are looking at are actually my nails. If you look closely you'll see that the nails have white spots all over and are short and brittle. If I interpret them the white spots predict happiness, good fortunes and new love in my future, but also of a possible new enemy and of a possible over activity illness."

Laurel gave her nail's a quick once over before she adressed the students again. "So now on to your task which is to observe your fingernails closely with the help of the hand mirrors light reflecting and to interpret the colour specs, markings, condition and length of your nails and what it says about your futures. You can refer to page 56 in your Unfogging the Future textbooks for help when you take down your predictions notes on a parchment that you also should hand in when finished. You are most welcome to partner up for this and interpret your peers fingernails or do it solo. You're free to do what fits you best. You've got 1 hour to complete the task. Get to work everyone! I'll be walking around if anyone has any questions."

SPOILER!!: Page 56 unfogging the future

Shape of fingernails and general appearance are used to ascertain character. Greedy people will have crooked fingernails and if they are raised in the middle it is taken as a sign of an early death. The shape of the half moon on your fingernails at the base, are an indicator of longevity, the bigger the moon the longer the life.

Long fingernails are a sign of difficulties in your relationship, short ones can indicate an unexpected gift.

Problems with fingernails can indicate an illness, nutritional problem or disorder occurring in a person’s body and can often be the first indication that there is a problem.

White spots– are forerunner of happiness, prosperity and gifts you will get and it’s better if you have on the left hand fingernail. White spot on the pointer finger indicates a new friend, the middle finger predicts a new enemy, on the ring finger money or new love and if it is on our baby finger, a journey. Experienced specialist could even tell your lifespan. But, if your white spots become yellow it’s not a good sign. It leads to troubles and needs.

Yellow spots– are signs of illness, conflicts and fights, which could appear in one’s life. Big yellow spots could also be signs of near death. If your nail suddenly becomes all white, that will also be a sign of near death.

Red and brown spots are no good forerunners either, sadness, illness and other bad thing could happen, if have those spots on your nails.

Black spots are a sign of bad luck or misfortune

Markings on;
thumb: near luck, possible win, happy love and lucky business;
index finger: business luck, power and respect from surroundings;
middle finger: good news from parents and close relatives, and again great worship
ring finger: indulgence from bad people, love affair or wedding;
pinkie finger: success in all creativity beginnings, scientific work and selling, as well as great worship and some happy event

Polishing your nails is a warning against impulsive behaviours but filing them indicates accomplishments achieved through your own efforts.. Cutting your fingernails is a sign of prestige and advancement but bending them back painfully speaks of a difficult time coming ahead that could last for a couple of months.

White fingernails with pink near the tops can be a sign of cirrhosis of the liver and white lines across can also be an indicator of liver problems. A partially white nail with dark spots near the tip can be a sign of a kidney problem. If the whole nail is white it could mean kidney, liver disorders or anemia.

Yellowed nails can also indicate liver issues, diabetes, respiratory and lymphatic problems. Nails that are quite dark can indicate a Vitamin B12 deficiency but brittle nails can show iron deficiency or thyroid problems. Red at the bottom of the nail can be a sign of a connective tissue disorder.

If the nails are brittle, soft, with no shine or half moon, it can be an indicator of hyperthyroidism (overactive). Ridges can also indicate a thyroid problem or an infection. Nails that are too thick can indicate a circulation problem in your vascular system and if the nails beds are deep and blue it can be a sign of pulmonary obstruction or emphysema.

Very wide nails can show a hormonal disorder and flat nails can indicate Reynaud's Syndrome which affects the circulation and the persons feet and hands always feel cold.

Nails that bend too easily can indicate rheumatoid arthritis and nails that have the appearance of hammered brass can predict partial or total hair loss.

OOC: Main Practical is up! Instruction: Observe your students or partner students nails for length, colour, shape, condition and markings and interpret what they mean/say about your/their future(s) and write down your notes. You can partner up for this or do it on your own its up to you guys. Have fun and be creative!

You've got 3 days to complete the practical until Saturday @ approx 7 pm GMT +2 when i will move on with question 2.
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