Originally Posted by
Sneakeh Cat
Flynn had planned on dressing up for Halloween this year, but as soon as the spooky day arrived, he just wasn't feeling it. He had a feeling that his girl would not be dressing up either, which was good because they could bypass the whole "couple costumes" discussion, so he went very basic and VERY lazy. He had written on a plain white shirt with a black marker: too lazy to buy a Halloween costume.
And that was his costume.... nothing.
He followed Felicity into the Three Broomsticks and towards the back where he seated himself at the last booth, not the table. He wanted to sit somewhere comfy. "Do you know what you want to eat?" He reached for the menu, knowing her would buy something cheap for himself so he could afford to give her a good lunch before going back to the castle.
The fact that Flynn might have wanted to do a couples costume had never even crossed Felicity's mind. Yeah, she'd thought he might dress up, but the fact that he might want to dress up
with her was not a thought. So it was probably a good thing that Flynn hadn't brought it up.
had gotten more than a few giggles out of his t-shirt, though. It was decidedly Flynn. Slipping into the booth next to him, she shrugged a little and peered at the moment. "Just some soup, or something like that." She wasn't picky, nor was she particularly hungry, and something told her that he wasn't going to let her pay for her own meal. Which annoyed Felicity a little bit, as she would have happily paid for both of them without hesitation.