Catch up and questions to ponder
Shera was feeling pretty comfortable with where she was at. She had been keeping up with the Professor's instructions, she had not hurt herself by cutting and she had not had her potion vanished, or melted her cauldron away. And, she even had all the notes and instructions written down.
Then it was time for her to add the things she had just prepared into her potion and she found herself feeling a little bit nervous again.
Adding her crushed moths to the mix she began to stir her potion clockwise, making sure to follow the edge of the cauldron. After four circles her potion was starting to show signs of turning green, but it definitely wasn't the colour that the professor had described. Sighing she continued to stir, reaching five and two thirds of full stirs to actually get the colour she wanted. She didn't know how that was possible considering how long she had spent grinding down her moths.
Then it was time to add the bouncing bulb to the mixture she had already managed to get together. She already knew it was going to take a lot longer for the bouncing bulb to incorporate into the potion, but hey. At least once it had she would be able to sit back, relax and start carving her pumpkin!
The young Ravenclaw hadn't bothered to count the number of stirs it took to incorporate the bouncing bulbs. But it was done! And that meant that it was time to simmer the potion CARVE THE PUMPKIN! "Diffindo," she said comfortably, beginning to carve out her pumpkin while vaguely listening to what the Professor was saying. There was only one question that she thought that she might have an answer to that wasn't completely wrong. "Potions don't require a wand, so a squib could get use out of the potion while they can't do transfiguration by themselves?" |