1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me! Divination... The ability to divine or foresee happenings that have not yet come to pass.. Also... A load of Hippogriff poo, but here Miranda was, walking out into the courtyard.. Mmmm Chilly.. Casts a warming charm over herself as she greets the professor with a polite smile and and ' Hi, how are ya?' Good afternoon, Professor.. This looks interesting.. Can't wait to "see" what you've got in store for us today..", Randa smiled with a wink on the word see.. Yup..
Ms. Blaze could be witty sometimes..
Giggling to herself she turned to find the perfect pillow to plop her already tired self onto. After doing so she pulled her book she liked to read whilst waiting for lessons to begin, from her bag and into it shoved her attention.
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