The Kisapaths | Sila!Roti | -2 | TouchableHair | ToiletPaperGuy | QueenOfConfusion What? The nickname had surprised him, that‘s all.
Cannelloni- no, Cameron was still waiting for her to explain what she was doing when...her tape measure apparently realized that, yes, gravity ALSO applied to it. With a surprised yelp, Cam jumped back slightly as well even though it wasn‘t technically heading his way. Honestly, though, he wasn‘t sure how good Zoryn‘s aim was. Although thinking about it NOW she should have good aim or else she wouldn‘t have been made Quidditch Captain.
Had he even congratulated her for her badge yet?
He could do that later though. For now he was more interested in just WHAT she was doing with that tape. What she was measuring. Apparently he was being made to wait a little longer, however. Trust him? “Trust me with what, Zoryn Spinnet?“ Heh. He didn‘t have a fancy nickname for her, unfortunately. Not yet. |