∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe Waaaaaaaaas it obvious that Beau was excited yet? Maybe it was the bouncing... Maybe it was the clicking of his tongue... Perhaps, only a small perhaps, it was the clapping of his hands behind his back... NOISE. He was making an amount of noise that could quite possibly draw attention to him whilst Captain Zoryn was talking. Uh. oOoOoOOOOOooops. SHE LOVED HIM THOUGH, OKAY?! He saved her bottom from Professor MEAN last year.
Instead of following the proper stretches, Beau lay down on the floor and held his arms and legs up in the air. "Ommmmmmmmm." See. Stretching. Calming. Soothing.
BEAU GO GO. "FaST FAST FASSSsssSsSssssT!!>">!<>!!!" "Sloowoowowowowwwwwwww slooooooooooooooooooOoOoOOooow SLooOOoooooEWWW"
wAI T. Positions?! Beau shot to sit up, hand waving in the air as Captain Zoryn was walking around. "I want ke--" Keeper?! Did sOMEONE else just say they wanted keeper?! NO. NOT AT ALL. NOT HAPPENING. BEAU MONTAGUE WAS DESTINED TO BE A KEEPER SO HE WASN'T A BEATER LIKE HIS WHOLE FAMILY.
NOOOOOOOOOOOO. "Keeper would be //EXCELLENT//, Captain Zoryn. You're SO talented, you know? SO TALENTED." Oh yes, he would use charm when he needed to. "But I suppose chaser wouldn't be awful." Oh yes iT WOULD.
With an overly DRAMATIC sigh, he flopped back onto the ground and went back to bicycle legs. Fasssssssssssssssssssssssssst. Sloooooooooooooooooooooooow.
__________________ [Grimoire]__________________________________________________ ____________ |