Arts TRANSPONSTER! Matt entered the room! Hallo.
He was excited to see what their new Potions professor was like. There was something cool about having new teachers, especially in his very last year. NEW STUFF! Matt loved changes and welcomed them. The man looked irritated or something. Lol. "HELLO, SIR!" Loud Gryffindor was loud. And he grabbed a pumpkin on his way in. "Oh cool, I love me some pumpkin!" Pumpkin juice WAS his favourite after all. "I hafta say I'm looking forward to trying whatever we're brewing today!" The seventh year exclaimed happily as he carried all of his stuff to a workstation of his choice. Middle the the room. Boom.
He spread his equipment all over the place because he felt like it, and sat there, watching, grinning and sometimes waving at the people who were coming in. He was READY to learn! And drink the pumpkin potion. YAS. |