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Hah! She knew that the shorter girl wouldn't be studying so early into the term. Actually, she felt rather guilty for not making planners for her besties this year, after doing one for their owl year, but surely they'd understand what with her strategizing for quidditch pretty much taking over her entire planning persona.
"Planners and journaling is the best. Honestly, I'd never be able to keep up with my classes and extracurriculars if I didn't put it on my timetable." And thank Salazar Slytherin she didn't have to deal with Patrols on top of everything else; Flynn and Vivian could deal with that.
"Well you do literally do everything so I can see why" Harriet teased her best friend. She didn't really see why Sky was taking on so much, and potentially allowing herself to get so stressed. Hattie was taking the smallest amount that she was allowed, and that was all she wanted to do. She didn't even need them, but she wanted to at least have a back up in case that didn't work out. She figured Sky was doing that too, but honestly there was no need for her friend to be doing so much. Considering Sky had the quidditch team to look after too. She was doing a lot, and Hattie didn't know how her friend would cope.
"I quite like making it to be honest" She mused with a smile. She was excited, and hoped that it would work.
"It's making it easier for me to plan things, since I know when all my free periods are, and when I can plan time to paint" Since that was important to her and she wanted to dedicate a lot of time to it.