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Old 01-06-2018, 11:50 PM   #116 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Join Date: Feb 2008
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maggie Woods
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Levi Jourdan
Sixth Year
x4 x2
PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main():



warm | impressionable | energetic | rash | compassionate
#ebc363 #fedd12 #97d8d0 #2b88aa #e51106 #8a0614

✳ basics ✳
Full Name Sylvanas Lyra Norcott
Nicknames Sylvie, Syl, Syls
Date of Birth November 18th, 2079
Hometown London, UK
Heritage Muggleborn

✳ magical ✳

Wand 11¾'' spinnable Cherry with Phoenix Feather
Hogwarts House Gryffindor
Patronus tbd
Boggart tbd
Amortentia worn out leather, new quills, cheap air refresher

✳ appearance ✳

Height used to be rather tall for her age, evening out
Build slim, with defined muscles due to regular physical exercise
Eye colour green
Face claim Marta Piekarz

✳ family ✳

Mother Paloma Norcott née Woods
Father George Norcott
Paternal Grandmother Alexandra Norcott née Vrishnova
Paternal Grandfather James Norcott

✳ pre-Hogwarts history✳

Text Cut: a thing
[ Disclaimer! Sylvie was born out of a running joke on a particularly weak night and some enabling from a certain user (ahem, ahem, Erik, ahem). Her entire history was created to be rather amusing and fanciful because I never dreamed this wild child would ever make it onto SS. I'm new to Gryffindor and I'm (apparently, I only just noticed this) new to a character who hasn't had some sort of childhood trauma and I'm looking forward to the challenge of making her feel like a real person and not a 2D poster child of what my idea of Gryffindor is. Here's hoping it goes well. Have a good day! <3]

George and Paloma Norcott were sixteen years old when they met as Wasriel491 and Amolap_G. They both enjoyed playing on ancient World of Warcraft servers, roughing it on content that people no longer bothered with in the 2060's. Their love of this vintage old video game was what brought them together, and continued to play a major role in their relationship for years to come. From a Warcraft themed first date (a marathon of all the coolest raids, with pizza because who plays video games without pizza) to a Warcraft themed wedding (officiated by Thrall, the make up and time needed to paint the paid actor green had cost more than the wedding cake), it came as no surprised to the two that they would name their first child (and any subsequent children) after a character from their favourite game. On a particularly chilly November morning, icy winds shrieking outside the East London hospital as if validating their choice of name, Sylvanas Lyra Norcott was born, named after two extraordinary (fictional) women: an Azerothian legend and the girl who never backed down.

Sylvie grew up an only child to parents whose routine rarely changed. Before she was old enough for school she'd be dropped off at Grandma Alexandra's in the morning as her parents would head out to work. George Norcott was in charge of user manuals at a local construction company, and Paloma Norcott was a nurse at the local children's hospital. Other than a brief stint at the work kindergarten offered at the hospital, Sylvie didn't enter a proper schooling system until first grade. The expulsion letter from the kindergarten is proudly up on the Sylvie Wall at home, along with all her embarrassing baby pictures, an x-ray from that time she fell off a bench and dislocated her jaw and, obviously, her letter from Hogwarts.

Sylvie was raised lovingly, taught to believe in wonders and magic and fantasy. The world could be anything she wanted it to be, role playing was encouraged and game nights were a constant in their house. Sylvie herself joined the legendary Warcraft game when she was eight years old seven and three quarters, if you count the trial version, with some supervision and a promise for her to stick to the simple objectives of the game. Dinner talk would consist of five minutes on school life, ten minutes on friends and then the rest of the time on games and comic books and awe inspiring fictional stories. Proper books had been a struggle for Sylvie, who found it difficult to concentrate for more than a few minutes on words printed on real paper, but they overcame that with audiobooks pretty early on.

Her first sign of magic happened when she was five years old. Her mother had baked a cake that she wasn't supposed to touch because the cake was for the guests. The cake never made it to the guests, the lock on the fridge door completely shattered and little pigtailed Sylvie was found sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, mouth covered in chocolate as she happily stuffed her face. As inexplicable as the incident was, no further signs of magic happened for two entire years, only reappearing while she was listening to the audio version of The Amber Spyglass for the first time. [ SPOILER ALERT FOR THE ENDING OF THIS BOOK, BEWARE ] An optimist by nature, seven year old Sylvie hadn't been prepared for the sad ending of the trilogy that had given her her middle name. Upset and angry at the book for betraying her this way, all the gadgetry she'd been listening with blew up in her hands. After that, she would experience a display of magical prowess every few months, usually on a smaller scale with much less violent results. They dismissed it all as clumsiness, though Sylvie was discreetly forbidden from using the more expensive gaming consoles. Just in case.

When her Hogwarts letter arrived, all three of them were convinced some of their online friends had come up with an extremely elaborate joke. A magical school?? A cat, a frog or an owl?! Wands??? Nah, not the Norcotts. They wouldn't be fooled by such a practical joke. They pinned the lovely letter up and never looked at it again until a rather strange person showed up at their doorstep a few months later with a wand of his own and very unbelievable tale. While it took George and Paloma a little longer to accept that magic is real, eleven year old Sylvanas Lyra was ABSOLUTELY ready to accept this new belief that she was a WITCH who was going to go to WITCH SCHOOL and learn MAGIC and HAVE A WAND?? Of her OWN???!?!?? Yup, not hard to accept. Very easy, in fact. SUPER.

As one can imagine, their first visit to Diagon Alley lasted seven hours. All was well with the Norcotts, and Sylvie was getting ready to go.

✳ personality & recent history ✳

Sylvie started out at Hogwarts a fireball. Take any eleven year old who grew up dreaming of wonders and put them in a school where all these wonders are normal?! A dream come true doesn't even come close. From running around between classes waving her wand at people to meeting friends who've been magical their entire lives, Sylvie was on a warpath to never slow down ever in her life.

However, school is school and homework is homework, and by the time Valentine's Day rolled around she was very much less into writing up essays on the properties of bezoars and way more excited by the people around her. Forming a fast bond with one "always magical" boy called Théobore, his cousin Charlotte who came up with the name and many more, for the first time in her life Sylvie felt like she'd finally found people who were like her. In muggle school she'd always been the nerdy girl with the Horde t-shirts who bit people's arms if they messed with her and who couldn't do maths. Here, at Hogwarts, no one cared about maths OR science and she didn't need to bite anyone because everyone was so nice!

With the success of her first year under her belt, Sylvie returned with renewed energies for her second and third years, and she was delighted to find it all much of the same. Sure, Hogwarts was trying to kill them and sure, people were being seriously injured and common rooms were destroyed and chaos happened. At times Sylvie had found herself huddled on her with her knees to her chest, the curtains drawn to hide her and her stupid fear. It was so much better to be scared at Hogwarts, than to live a boring life without having known that Hogwarts even existed. She loved it here, she LOVED being a witch and no curse or freaky portal or anything would stop her. She is SYLVANAS NORCOTT after all, banshee queen (not your banshees, other banshees, go read up on Warcraft banshees you ignorant magical people, honestly), archer extra-ordinaire and no one, BY THRALL NO ONE would get her down. ^____^

Hobbies Archery, video gaming, sketching and painting
Extra-curricular activities Art, flying, gobstones and dueling club
Friends Théodore Montmorency, Zoryn Spinnet, Faith Chosen, Chris Montmorency, Charlotte Montmorency, Maxton Carden, Natalie McKinley and more to come!

yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____

_____________I could still change the end

Last edited by Daemon; 02-05-2018 at 05:23 PM.
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