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Reading Aaron's body language, when he looked around... presumably to look out for any listening ears, Hanna leaned in closer. Just in case. It seemed TOP SECRET. Or... just a little bit mischievous.
Her heart was hammering away in suspense.
OUT WITH IT AARON, her head was screaming, as her eyes grew bigger.
Hanna felt a bit anxious at the thought of exploring THE Forbidden Forest. She chewed the inside of her mouth and knotted her hands together. "W-well," she said. "I guess the EDGE of the Forest. I don't think we should be going into it." Even though she wasn't a Gryffindor, she wanted to be brave. She wanted to appear much braver than she was right at that moment.
But when it appeared that Aaron KNEW they wouldn't (or shouldn't), she felt herself relax. "Well..." she made up her mind, and nodded. "Yes, we should DEFINITELY do it!"
Although Hanna had stated yes to the question initially, Aaron could still tell she was a bit tense at the thought of their soon-to-be-exploration/adventure of the Forest. In a tone that was meant to reassure the other first year, he said
"Don't worry, we'll be fine. We won't go in, or if we do it will be like up to the first tree." Dark and mysterious, but still somewhat hypnotizing eyes loomed at Hanna.
"After all, we are only first years so we wouldn't be able to handle going any deeper than that. Maybe if we had like, a huge army of us, but..." They didn't have that, so, it was out of the question.
Tightening the straps on his backpack, Aaron had asked
"Are you all set to go then? Or do you still need a few things?" And upon saying that Aaron realized there was one thing that they should grab before heading out...FOOD! The boy was starving, and adventures only made him hungrier! The thought of the feast the other night, on top of that, it felt like Aaron could eat an entire cow right now!
"Before heading out though, let's sneak into the kitchen to grab some food for our trip." Aaron stated with a smile on his face.