Originally Posted by debpetrisor Ahh, the fresh air.
Daehyun inhaled deeply, only walking around the school grounds relaxing him immensely, along with the rays of sunlight that slightly warmed him. He had his copy of his favourite bestiary, a growling Monster Book of Monsters, safely tucked under his arm, and he would occasionally tickle its spine whenever the book became restless, only to smile at it when it hummed contentedly. A seriously misunderstood book, that one.
He only needed to find a perfect place to read the worn pages that he'd already read over and over again, maybe in the shadows cast by a tree - and that was when he'd spotted it. The Whomping Willow!
His eyes wide in wonder, he walked closer to the magnificent tree, immediately recognizing it after having heard about it many times before and, to be honest, the stories he'd heard didn't do it justice. It was brilliant! He knew better than to touch it or even get within touching distance from it, but maybe one more step closer from where he stood. It was beautiful. "DANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!"
A young Aaron exclaimed as he barreled down the hill upon seeing his new best friend! Granted, the two just met a few days ago back at Diagon Alley, but, that was besides the point. They still were best friends, and the two agreed on that back at the book store. Just as they agreed on Danny's nickname. Daniel sounded to plain and sophisticated. Why be boring when you can be fun and upbeat. Danny sounded like a fun and upbeat type of person, hence why Aaron gifted him with that gorgeous name. "Whatcha got there?" The first year inquired about the book that his fellow firstie was carrying under his arm.
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